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Grant 16-07378S     1.1.2016 - 31.12.2018
Grantor: Czech Science Foundation (GAČR)

Nonlinear analysis in Banach spaces


We plan to investigate problems concerning uniformly continuous and Lipschitz mappings between Banach spaces and their possible applications in other areas of mathematics, such as theoretical computer science, differential equations etc. This project is devoted to the following aspects of the subject:

a) Uniformly continuous and coarse mappings
b) Lipschitz isomorphism
c) Lipschitz free spaces
d) Linear and descriptive properties

 Main investigator:

Hájek  Petr

  IM leaders:

Hájek Petr

 Participating institutions:

Institute of Mathematics, AS CR

 IM team members:  
Doležal Martin
Novotný Matěj