From the series
Institute of Thermomechanics Seminar
FLUIDIC OSCILLATORS FOR ALGAE CULTIVATION and their role in geopolitic stability
Prof. Ing. Václav Tesař, CSc., Institute of Thermomechanics of the CAS
February 3, 2016, 10:00
Conference Room B
Our scientists offer topics for PhD, MSc and Bc theses for students.
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The lecture is devoted to development of the Theory of helical vortices. The main items of the theory are as follows: »»»
The Colloquium will be held in the building of the Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR in Prague. The purpose of the Colloquium is to bring together experts on theoretical and experimental fluid mechanics from the academician institutes, universities and other research and development establishments and to offer the opportunity to exchange up-to-date information on the solved problems and to serve as a forum of discussion with leading scientists. »»»
Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) is widely used in the field of Reduced Order Modeling (ROM). Based on a large data set of a turbulent flow, a few POD modes are sufficient to characterize the dynamics of the underlying flow. Instability waves that grow in turbulent shear layers are usually represented by two coupled POD modes. »»»
The Institute of Physics AS CR - Dept. of Theory of Condensed Matter, the Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR and the Czech Society for Mechanics – the expert group for Computational mechanics, jointly invite you to a lecture »»»
Dr. Rob Miller undertook his undergraduate, PhD and a research fellowship at Oxford University. For the last eight years he has been a Lecturer in Turbomachinery at the Whittle Laboratory in Cambridge University. »»»
Dr. J. Healey graduated with a degree in physics at Oxford University in 1987, where he also obtained a DPhil in physics in 1991. His doctoral thesis was concerned with the analysis of phase spaces reconstructed from time series data. In 1991 he was appointed to a post-doctoral position in the Engineering Department at Cambridge University to work on the laminar-turbulent transition of boundary layers. In 1996 he was appointed first to a temporary lectureship in the Mathematics Department at Brunel University, and then to a lectureship in the Mathematics Department at Keele University. »»»
Чашечкин Юлий Дмитриевич (Chashechkin Yu.D.)
Professor and Head of the Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics of the Institute for Problems in Mechanics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
101/1 prospect Vernadskogo, Moscow 119574, Russia,
(E-mail: / Fax: 8 499 739 9531 / Phone 7495434 0192) »»»
Prof. Atsushi Suzuki is the assistant professor of Kyushu University in Japan and also visiting researcher at Czech Technical University in Prague. »»»
Prof. Seifert will present two recent research projects conducted in Tel Aviv using active flow control. The first project describes taking airfoil separation control concept to flight while the second describes the application of the newly developed suction and oscillatory blowing actuator for aerodynamic drag reduction of large trucks. »»»
Main topics of the research of Dr. de Lange are the boundary layer transition, heat transfer and cooling in gas turbines and the thermodynamics and transient behavior of turbine/compressor systems.The flat plate boundary layer experiments in a water channel have been performed. The particle image velocimetry (PIV) was used to analyze the coherence of flow structures in the vicinity of breakdown to turbulence. »»»
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