Saturday, 30 01 2016

Last update28.01 15:54

Keeping to Tradition in Czech Households

Keeping to tradition and folk customs is considered to be important by two thirds of citizens (66 %), while approximately three people out of ten (31 %) have the opposite opinion. Regardless of this, 99 % of households keep to tradition and customs at least in some cases. As far as traditional meals associated with some specific festive occasions are concerned, almost in all households (96 %) the traditional menu is prepared in connection with Christmas Eve, in two thirds at Easter, and in a half of households on New Year’s Day. In two fifths of households, traditional dishes are cooked on the occasion of weddings, or on Christmas day, three households out of ten celebrate in this way village fairs and about one fifth of households, as far as home cooking is concerned, keep to traditional customs associated with Shrovetide, christening or other feast days.


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