
The Most Borrowed Library Books of 2015

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Cover Image Title Loans per Year Number of Copies
Cameron, A. Colin. Trivedi, Pravin K. 2010. Microeconometrics using Stata. Rev. ed. 31 5
Hull, John C. 2010. Risk management and financial institutions. 2nd ed. 29 3
Bhattacharyya, Subhes C. 2011. Energy economics: concepts, issues, markets and governance.  26 2
Dahl, Carol A. 2004. International energy markets: understanding pricing, policies and profits.
24 2
Sharpe, Pamela J. 2004. How to prepare for the TOEFL test: test of English as a foreign language. 11th ed. 22 4
Bartoszynski, Robert. Niewiadomska-Bugaj, Magdalena. 2008. Probability and statistical inference. 2nd ed. 20 2
Matthiesen, Steven J. 2007. Essential words for the TOEFL. 4th ed. 18 2
  Mejstřík, Michal. Pečená, Magda. Teplý, Petr. 2008. Základní principy bankovnictví = Basic principles of banking. 1st ed. 17 4
Agresti, Alan. 2007. An introduction to categorical data analysis. 2nd ed. 16 1
Bluhm, Christian. Overbeck, Ludger. Wagner, Christoph. 2003. An introduction to credit risk modeling. 16 1
Hosmer, David W. Lemeshow, Stanley. 2000. Applied logistic regression. 2nd ed. 16 1
Thomas, Lyn C. Edelman, David B. Crook, Jonathan N. 2004. Readings in credit scoring: foundations, developments, and aims. 16 1
Carlton, Dennis W. Perloff, Jeffrey M. 2000. Modern industrial organization. 3rd ed. 15 5
Coleman, Thomas S. 2012. Quantitative risk management: a practical guide to financial risk. 15 1
Hubbert, Simon. 2012. Essential mathematics for market risk management. 1st ed. 15 1
  Mlčoch, Lubomír. 1990. Chování československé podnikové sféry. 15 4
Blaug, Mark (ed.). Lloyd, Peter (ed.). 2010. Famous figures and diagrams in economics. 14 1
Cline, William R (ed.). Wolff, Guntram B. (ed.) 2012. Resolving the European debt crisis. 14 1
Koop, Gary. 2013. Analysis of economic data. 4th ed. 14 1