Entered keyword "age and ageing" yielded 15 results.
The general objective of theProject is to promote development strategies and practices to improving the quality of life of vulnerable groups,with a strategic focus on elderly and people with disabilities, in urban areas in Central Europe.
Project duration: 2011 - 2014
The Sociological Library is a modern specialised library, which is intended to serve the needs of researchers, students, and the wider academic community. Library collection contains just about 25 thousand volumes. All items are available for use in the library study hall and abo...
Head of department: Mgr. Nela Hesová
The main objective of this department is the systematic research of values and attitudes, their continuity and changes, and their relationship to the way in which people behave. The department’s research aim is founded on the assumption that deeply rooted human values and attitud...
Head of department: Mgr. Klára Plecitá, Ph.D.
13. 2. 2014 - 14. 2. 2014
Všichni účastníci budou mít možnost představit svůj aktuální výzkum nebo práci a diskutovat se svými kolegy nejen z České republiky, ale i ze zahraničí z různých odborných oblastí. Ačkoli konference je primárně zaměřena na studenty doktorského studia demografie, všichni mladí (ne...
Authors: Trusinová, Romana
The article examines age as a possible group identity. It sets out to determine which age groups in society today have a stronger sense of identity and the source of that identity, while drawing on the tenets of social psychology and the theories of social identity and optimal di...
Demographic transformations currently taking place in European societies, including the Czech Republic, lead to a de cit of available care for the elderly. Eldercare is currently provided mainly in the informal sector, and more often by women than men. Persons performing day-to-d...
Project duration: 2012 - 2014
Authors: Benešová, Romana
The article deals with three basic questions: what is and what is not the ageism, how serious is ageism in Czech Republic based on the research European Social Survey Round 4 and what are the ways of reducing ageism.
Authors: Benešová, Romana
The article introduces book „Ageing, age and discrimination – new implications“ which was written on the bases of quantitative research of Czech society managed by Lucie Vidovićová from the Masaryk University Brno. The book was published in 2008. It is the first...
Authors: Nešporová, Olga, Kamila Svobodová, Lucie Vidovićová
The text gives an overview of the current situation in the field of social services for older people with an emphasis on the fragile elderly provided by nongovernmental, not-for-profit bodies. The report has three main parts linked by the concept of needs. The first part of the r...
Authors: Soukup, Tomáš, Martin Ďurďovič
Báječný svět zítřka aneb co se stane v budoucnosti a změní se naše společnost? O tom krátce hovořil ředitel ústavu Tomáš Kostelecký.
Projekt má za cíl vybudování národního uzlu evropské infrastruktury ESS v České republice a realizaci páté, šesté a sedmé vlny výzkumných šetření, které jsou centrální činností ESS. Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i., stál u zrodu projektu ESS v roce 2001. Od té doby se podílel na...
Project duration: 2010 - 2015
Authors: Hamplová, Dana
The chapter analyzes labor market exists of Czech men and women in 1990s. It shows that the pressure on the labor market increased older workers tendency to retire. The risk of retirement and its timing is however heavily dependent on human capital of a worker.
Authors: Šimon, Martin, Mikešová, Renata
The study provides a basic comparative demographic analysis of regions in the Central European area. It is particularly focused on population shrinkage and population ageing which is present at the regional level in all the countries in Central Europe. Firtly, info...
Authors: Trusinová, Romana
The aim of this study is to find out which characteristics affect the age identity of individuals. The main question is: What determines whether the people in the Czech Republic find themselves young, middle aged or old? Two alternative hypotheses were tested: a) the age identity...