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TC ASCR takes part in duscussions about Horizon 2020 with Position paper

Published: 5/22/2012

TC ASCR position paper - indirect costs in HORIZON 2020 Technology Centre ASCR (TC ASCR ) takes part in discussions about Horizon 2020 and its financial rules and principles. Here you can find Position paper of TC ASCR concerning "single reimbursement rate for all participants and activities and single flat rate for indirect costs".

The TC ASCR sees the rule 100/20 only as one of the two options. The TC ASCR thinks that financial rules of HORIZON 2020 should also reflect the economic reality and specific features of different organizations as well as the fact that FP7 rules have inspired some national providers and motivated a number of organizations (mainly universities and public research organizations) to prepare and subsequently implement real indirect cost methodologies. According to the TC ASCR opinion, the second option in HORIZON 2020 thus should allow the application of real indirect cost.