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TC hosted the session of Planning Committee for two European Conferences on Technology Assessment

Published: 2/17/2012

On February 15, 2012, the first joint session of the Planning Committee for two European Conferences on Technology Assessment took place in the Technology Centre ASCR premises in Prague, Czech Republic. Ten members of the planning committee were nominated by the organisers of the conferences – the Technology Centre ASCR and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. See the meeting programme here, the list of the Planning Committee members here and all the presentations pres. 1, pres. 2, pres. 3pres. 4.  In the Planning Committee, the key TA experts and politicians from Europe and US are represented.

  • Photo 1  - Planning Committee Joint Session
  • Photo 2  - Philippe Busquin
  • Photo 3 -  from  left to right: Lenka Hebáková, Karel Klusáček, Karel Aim, Timothy M. Persons, Attila Havas and Michal Pazour

The first European TA Conference is planned for March 2013 in Prague and the second in March 2015 in Berlin, both in the framework of the PACITA project. The name of the first conference is “Technology Assessment and policy areas of great transitions”.

During the first planning committee meeting the PACITA project and the Czech technology assessment framework have been introduced and the main topics of the first conference in Prague have been discussed. Organisers will prepare the conference programme draft in cooperation with the planning committee till October 2012.

For the newest information on PACITA conferences and other activities see the project website.