Friday, 29 01 2016

Last update28.01 15:54

Public relationship to other nationalities I.

In December CVVM SOÚ AV ČR survey public attitude to some selected nationalities living in the Czech Republic was investigated. Czechs have best relationships with people of the Czech nationality and then with people of the Slovakian nationality. Czechs also find Poles (73,4 %) and Germans (59 %) sympathetic. Jews and Vietnameses are worse evaluated when most respondents chose for their evaluation centre of the spectrum (answer :neither sympathetic, nor nonsympathetic). 30,2 % of Czech citizens suppose citizens of former SSSR states to be sympathetic, low sympathetic are citizens of Balkan states. Czechs find Romanies to be the least sympathetic, when only 9,4 % of Czechs positively evaluated them.

Most respondents (58,9 %) also think that foreigners should assimilate as much as possible into local culture, the opposite opinion is shared by only 5,6 % people.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<


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