Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

Semináře a workshopy oddělení 26

Seminář / Čtvrtek, 04.02.2016 13:00 - 14:00

IV-group bulk crystalline semiconductors, Diamond (C), Silicon and Germanium, all possess diamond structure and indirect bandgaps. The latter property results in very poor emission and band-edge absorption, limiting their use in optoelectronic and photonic applications. In nanocrystal form, oscillator strength is enhanced via the spatial confinement of carriers, which leads to relaxation of the k-selection rule and band-mixing. 

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Dr. Otakar Frank Raman spectroscopy of graphene – basic characterization and beyond 08.04.2014 10:00
Josef Mysliveček Thin films of ceria for model catalytic experiments 25.03.2014 10:00
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Jiří Červenka Chemical sensing by graphene field effect transistors 04.03.2014 10:00
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Victor M. García-Suárez Thermoelectric properties of molecular junctions 14.01.2014 10:00
Ruslan Temirov How much control over single molecules could one get with the junction of a scanning probe microscope? 10.12.2013 10:00
A.J. Weymouth Tabletop AFM, and, an interesting observation when probing forces and currents 03.12.2013 10:00
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Isodiana Crupi Plasmonic metal nanoparticles for thin film solar cells 24.09.2013 10:00
Cedric Rocha Leao Ab-initio investigation of the degradation process in TlBr: causes and possible fixes 18.09.2013 15:00
James P. Lewis High-throughput computational design of photocatalytic materials 03.09.2013 10:00
Deepak Verma, Ph.D. Hybrid (Organic/Inorganic semiconductors) absorbing layer for solar cell applications 16.07.2013 10:00
Michal Otyepka Non-covalent Interactions to Graphene: Theory and Experiment 14.05.2013 10:30
Ing. Filip Šroubek, Ph.D. Blind Deconvolution in Image Processing 09.04.2013 10:00
Fumitaka Ohashi Clathrates with group IV materials: novel photo-absorption materials for solar cells 28.03.2013 15:00
Takatoshi Yamada Microscopic C-AFM/KPFM/Raman characterization of thermal and plasma CVD graphene 11.03.2013 15:30
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Hector Vazquez Theoretical results in Single Molecule Transport 29.01.2013 15:00
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Roberto Robles Electronic and magnetic properties of supported transition metal phthalocyanines 23.10.2012 10:00
15th International Conference on non-contact Atomic Force Microscopy 01.07.2012

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