Challenges of flow-cytometric estimation of nuclear genome size in Orchids, a plant group with both whole-genome and progressively partial endoreplication
Trávníček, P., Ponert, J., Urfus, T., Jersáková, J., Vrána, J., Hřibová, E., Doležel, J., Suda, J.CYTOMETRY 87A : 958-966 , 2015
Keywords: C-value; endopolyploidy; flow cytometry; genome size; histogram interpretation; nuclear DNA content; orchid; progressively partial endoreplication
Nuclear genome size: are we getting closer?
Doležel, J., Greilhuber, J.CYTOMETRY 77A : 635-642 , 2010
Keywords: cytometric techniques; reference standards; genome sequencing; conversion factor; nuclear DNA content; C-value
Plant flow cytometry - far beyond the stone age.
Loureiro, J., Doležel, J., Grielhuber, J., Santos, C., Suda, J.CYTOMETRY 73A : 579-580 , 2008
Nuclear DNA content and genome size of trout and human
Doležel, Jaroslav; Bartoš, Jan; Voglmayr, H.; Greilhuber, J.CYTOMETRY 51 : 127-128 , 2003
Keywords: flow cytometry; nuclear DNA content; genome size