Jiří Chotaš, PhD.

Head of the research group

Research interests:

political philosophy; certain aspects of law (human rights, natural law, international law); theory of knowledge, and its relation to metaphysics; theory of higher education; Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Kant, Hegel, W. v. Humboldt, Leo Strauss, Carl Schmitt, John Rawls, Michael Walzer

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PhD. – Philosophy, Charles University, October 1998

Dissertation title: Kant and the Reflective Theory of Self-Consciousness (Kant a reflexivní teorie sebevědomí). Advisors: Prof. Milan Sobotka (Prague), Prof. Dr. Manfred Baum (Germany)

M. Phil. – Philosophy, Charles University 1994

Engeneering. – Electrotechnology, Czech Technical University in Prague 1987

Grants and Scholarships

2009-2011 Research Grant from the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (The project: a study of the concept of the state in Kant and Hegel)

2003-2005 co-worker in the research grant from the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (the project: a three-volume history of political thought)

2000-2002 Research Grant from the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (to produce an edition of studies and translations of German classical philosophy)

2001 Earhart Graduate Fellowship in Social Thought, University of Chicago

1995-1997 – Scholarship from Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst

1994-1995 – Scholarship from Katholischer Akademischer Ausländer-Dienst

1993 Scholarship from Freie Universität Berlin


2010-present: Asssistant Professor at Faculty of Arts, University in Ústí nad Labem. Courses: History of modern political thought (from Machiavelli to Tocqueville); Political thought (from Burke to totalitarianism); Contemporary political thought.

between 1998-2009: Assistant Professor at Faculty of Arts, Charles University:. Courses: Kant's Cosmology; Kant's Theory of ethics; Beauty and the Sublime in Kant; Modern political and social philosophy; Enlightenment, revolution and Romanticism; Introduction to political philosophy.

1998-2003: Assistant Professor at Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University. Courses: T. Hobbes, De cive; I. Kant: Toward Perpetual Peace; J.J. Rousseau: The Social Contract; Hegel's theory of state; Labour and property in modern philosophy.

Ongoing Memberships and Activates

2010 – member of the European Society for Early Modern Philosophy

1997 – member of the Czech Plato Society

2007 – member of the committee for doctoral studies at the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Charles University, Prague

2014 – member of the committee for doctoral studies at the Department of Philosophy, University of Pardubice

2006 – member of the administrative committee at the Philosophical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences


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