gender / rovné příležitosti / výzkum

Vydává Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i.
Výzkumné oddělení 'Gender & sociologie' Sociologického ústavu" Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i

Marek Hrubec:
K feministické kritické teorii zneuznání [13]

« ročník 8, číslo 1/2007: Genderové aspekty multikulturní reality

Hrubec, Marek. 2007. „K feministické kritické teorii zneuznání.“ Gender, rovné příležitosti, výzkum 8 (1): 13-15

Abstract: The paper deals with an issue of social recognition of women and an articulation of their resistance to misrecognition. It analyses claims on recognition as requirements based on a direct or indirect experience with various forms of misrecognition. A negative experience of misrecognition is explained as a cause of the critique of misrecognition, on the one hand, and a moment which creates the background of new forms of recognition, on the other. First, the paper concentrates on relation among (1) misrecognition, (2) a critique of misrecognition, and (3) recognition. Second, following that relation and Nancy Fraser’s and Axel Honneth’s theoretical works, it specifies main guidelines of the theory of social misrecognition. Third, it analyses a complex role of misrecognition of women. The paper is a contribution to a feminist critical theory of misrecognition. 

Keywords: Recognition, Feminist, Critical

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