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Project: Statistical study of quasi-periodic low-frequency wave emissions in the magnetosphere of the Earth
Quasi-periodic (QP) and chorus emissions are wide-band ELF/VLF emissions observed frequently in the inner magnetosphere. The QP waves consist of a periodic modulation of wave intensity with typical periods from several seconds up to a few minutes. The QP emissions can be originated in the equatorial or auroral regions and are accompanied by precipitation of energetic particles modulated with the same period. The chorus waves are generated by the whistler wave-particle interaction in the geomagnetic equatorial plane and are characterized by many discrete short-duration wave packets. We shall perform wave propagation analysis of the QP and chorus emissions using electric and magnetic field data from French micro-satellite DEMETER and CLUSTER spacecraft. Observations of events carried from the equatorial regions to higher latitudes will be compared to the computed structure of the QP waves propagated from different magnetospheric parts. We shall examine correlation between the QP emissions and chorus waves and relate our observations to the theoretical simulations.
Funded by: GA ČR. GAP209/11/2280
Duration: 2011-2015
Investigator: Hayosh, M.
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