gender / rovné příležitosti / výzkum

Vydává Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i.
Výzkumné oddělení 'Gender & sociologie' Sociologického ústavu" Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i

Jaroslava Hasmanová Marhánková:
Genderové nerovnosti ve stáří: marginalizace a zvýhodnění žen ve stáří [28]

« ročník 9, číslo 2/2008: Marginalizované skupiny žen (a mužů)

Marhánková, Jaroslava Hasmanová. 2008. „Genderové nerovnosti ve stáří: marginalizace a zvýhodnění žen ve stáří .“ Gender, rovné příležitosti, výzkum 9 (2): 28-36

Abstract: Ageing is process that is always gendered. Gender shapes the life biography and the norms and expectations that are imposed on individuals as they age. On the other hand, the experience of ageing affects the mechanism of creating and negotiating gender identity. This article critically discusses debates surrounding gender inequalities in old age. These debates often focus on older women as a group that is highly disadvantaged owing to the combined effects of sexism and ageism. This article critically discusses this “problem of old women” and shows alternative views of women’s experiences of ageing. It highlights the necessity to understand age and gender as two intertwining systems. It points out that ageing can in many respects create room for a redefinition of gender roles and expectation. The intersection of age and gender cannot be seen as a simple combination of two categories and must instead be viewed as a process that creates a specific social location, which can generate new forms of inequalities.  
Keywords: Ageing, gender, inequalities

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