Intranet Čeština


European Epileptology Award 2016 for prof. Pavel Mareš (11.2. 2016)

Epileptology European Award 2016 was awarded prof. Pavel Mareš. The European Epileptology Award is awarded every two years by the ILAE Commission on European Affairs (CEA) to European epileptologists in recognition of their outstanding contributions to European epileptology. It´s awarded to one clinical and one experimental epileptologist. Award-winning clinical epileptologist is prof. Federico Vigevano (Italy).

February 8 - International Epilepsy Day (4.2. 2016)

The International Epilepsy Day is connected with a lot of activities where are participating also Institute of Physiology and Qualitas program. Epilepsy will have its own special section at the International Festival of Science Documentary Films Academia Film Olomouc (AFO) this year. The fest wil be from April 19 to April 24 2016 in Olomouc.

Invitation - The 5th Czech Lipidomics Conference (1.2. 2016)

We would like to invite you to The 5th Czech Lipidomic Conference which will be held on April 21 to 22, 2016 in Institute of Physiology CAS in Prague. Registration and more information

PhD Programme at FGU is open. APPLY NOW! (19.1. 2016)

Application for the prospective students to participate in PhD programme in our institute are opened for the academic year 2016/2017.

The applicant must complete an on-line application form and select at least one department. All potential candidates will be invited to give a 10-min long presentation of their undergraduate research and will be interviewed by a PhD committee. The candidates will be informed by the end of March 2016 about the outcome of the selection process and will receive detailed information about the next steps necessary to start their PhD studies. More info

Czech-BioImaging project (5.1. 2016)

On December 21, 2015, the government of the Czech Republic approved funding of national research infrastructures for the period 2016-2019. The Institute of Physiology is one of the partners of the National Research Infrastructure for Biological and Medical Imaging (Czech-BioImaging). The project starts on January 1, 2016.  Czech-BioImaging infrastrucure provides an open access to a wide range of imaging technologies and expertise. It will foster mutual cooperation of the scientists and sharing of best practices and knowledge,  increase the qualification of scientists in biological and medical imaging through special training programmes, and support maintenance and development of shared equipment in Czech-BioImaging core facilities. Project´s web


Imaging facility of IPHYS is part of the pilot phase of Euro-BioImaging (14.12. 2015)

The node for advanced light microscopy, including imaging facilities of the Institute of Physiology, was approved by the pan-European research infrastructure Euro-BioImaging. In December 2015 the Euro-BioImaging Interim Board ratified the first generation of nodes for the pilot phase of European research infrastructure for biological and medical imaging. Among these 28 nodes, there is a node for advanced light microscopy, based in Prague, offering open access to cutting-edge imaging technologies – from the part of the Institute of Physiology it will be, e.g., confocal and two-photon microscopy, optical projection tomography and fiber-optic confocal microscopy. Press release   Euro BioImaging web site

Jan Jakubik is an editor of the prestigious publication (26.11. 2015)

On November 25 launch of the book entitled “Muscarinic Receptor: From Structure to Animal Models”, whose editors are dr. Jan Jakubík from Department of Neurochemistry Institute of Physiology CAS and prof. Jaromír Mysliveček from Institute of Physiology 1st Faculty of Medicine, was held at the Academic Club of the 1st Faculty of Medicine UK. This book is a part of prestigious series of Neuromethods, publised by a major publishing house Springer. The book includes a basic description of the muscarinic receptors using crystallographic studies, binding studies, autoradiography and PET imaging. It also deals with the study of allosteric modulation of muscarinic receptors and examples of mice models with knockout genes for muscarinic receptors and demonstrates their use in the study of the physiology and behavior. During the first 3 months, the electronic version of the book has been downloaded over 2000-times.



Institute of Physiology achieved above-average results in a tender for CSF grants (26.11. 2015)

Results of tender for Czech Science Foundation grants (funding period starting in the beginning of 2016) was announced on November 25. Out of the 59 project proposals submitted by Institute of Physiology 24 projects received funding. Institute of Physiology is main recipient of 16 standard grant projects, co-recipient of 5 standard grant projects and recipient of 3 junior projects. Success rate of Institute of Physiology CAS is above average: 39% success rate in tender for standard projects versus 27% average success rate and 50% success rate in tender for junior projects versus 26% average success rate. Detailed results

Week of Science and Technology at Institute of Physiology (14.10. 2015)

As every year, Institute of Physiology will be involved in the biggest science festival in the country - Week of Science and Technology. The Open Day will be held on November 12.  We´ll also organize the interactive exhibition Memory Park for the first time placed also at Národní 3 on November 9 and November 10.

Academy of Sciences awarded Helena Illnerová for long-term popularization of science (25.9. 2015)

The Chairman of The Czech Academy of Sciences prof. Jiří Drahoš awarded Prices Academy of Sciences for outstanding achievement of great scientific importance on 24 September..  Prize of Chairman of CAS for promotion and popularization of research, experimental development and innovation gained prof. RNDr. Helena Illnerová, DrSc. She is an employee of the Institute of Physiology more than 50 years. She works in the Department of neurohumoral regulation, which led it till 1999. Prof. Illnerová is a world-renowned expert on the biological clock of mammals, including humans (control and molecular mechanisms of circadian rhythms and seasonal rhythms and their synchronization). According to her it is a "fantastic theme" which is very well popularized.


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