
Ročenka AV ČR 2014

Academic bulletin / Živa

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Partnership of top scientists from the Academy and members of the European Parliament

A meeting of top European scientists with members of the European Parliament (EP) was held in Brussels, January 25 – 27, 2016 (so-called Brussels week). One of the selected scientists, Mgr. Martin Friák, Ph.D., from the Institute of Physics of Materials in Brno, was chosen for scientific advising by member of EP Ing. Evžen Tošenovský, dr. h. c., who is the vice chair of the Science and Technology Options Assessment panel of the EP. Doctor Friák got acquainted with the important role played by science in the legislative processes of the EP, e.g. via the European Parliamentary Research Service. Member of EP Tošenovský was interested in the development of new materials and doctor Friák introduced him the new strategy of the Czech Academy of Sciences Strategy 21. The meeting laid the foundation for their long-term cooperation.

12 Feb 2016