"In Honour of Aleš Veselý. Without a Beginning, without an End"

"In Honour of  Aleš Veselý. Without a Beginning, without an End"

We would like to invite you to the exhibition "In Honour of Aleš Veselý. Without a Beginning, without an End", held in Museum Kampa from 2 February till 28 February 2016. With its title, the exhibition symbolically connects a series of exhibitions that Aleš Veselý (1935–2015) prepared last autumn to celebrate his eightieth birthday. Shown was a selection of works from the early 1960‘s to the present day, which in brief presented works that belong to the artist's vast creation, which is substantial and approaches the thematic range and depth of his philosophically oriented art. Apart from some famous assemblages and objects the exhibition comprises drawings, designs to the sculptural projects, blind prints of the assemblages, as well as the monumental and expressive "drawings-paintings" from 1980s. A set of four objects Q. ein sof made of polished stainless steel (2012) has not been exhibited hitherto. It presents the problem of "mirrored surfaces", which was the topic of Veselý´s work from the beginning of 1990s and which found its form in his monumental sculptures; for the last time in the Law of Irreversibility (2015) at the Terezín Memorial, the site of the former Nazi concentration camp. The exhibition was prepared by Alena Bartková, the assistent of Aleš Veselý, and by Mahulena Nešlehová from the Institute of Art History, CAS.

Attached file: vesely_skladacka_tisk.pdf

Pocta Aleši Veselému / In Honour of Aleš Veselý
Bez začátku, bez konce
Without a Beginning, without an End
Museum Kampa, 2. 2. – 28. 2. 2016

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