Místo konání:
AKC, Jilská 1
Místo konání:
AKC, Jilská 1
Ian Johnson (University of St Andrews): (TBA: late medieval English lives of Christ)
Blanca Garí (University of Barcelona): The 559 manuscript of the Library of the University of Barcelona and the Passió del Nostre Redemptor Deu Jesucrist (a shortened version of the Meditationes passionis Christi)
Riccardo Burgazzi (Charles University in Prague): Narrating the Passion of Christ: Comparing four fourteen-century authors
Daniela Rywiková (University of Ostrava): "Visual Catechisms" in Bohemian Late Medieval Art
Waldemar Kowalski (History Department, Jan Kochanowski University): The Idea of the "True" Church in Polish Catechisms of the 16th Century
Lucie Doležalová (Charles University in Prague): The Mental Bible and Retelling the Decalogue in late medieval Bohemia
Anne Marie Polo de Beaulieu and Julie Jourdan (Paris): The retelling of the Bible in exempla and pictures in the Chantilly manuscript of the Ci nous dit and the circulation of this text in high aristocratic milieu : a new Community of Interpretation
Marjorie Burghart (CNRS Lyon): (TBA Distinctiones collections)
Erminia Ardissino (University of Torino): Italian Biblical poems
Camille Marshall (University of Lausanne): Masking God and the Reinterpreter Revealed: The Towneley Plays' Reformed Portrayal of Divine Characters in their Sixteenth-Century Compilation
Jan Dienstbier (Charles University in Prague): Visual representation of the Bible in the Emmaus monastery in Prague
Kateřina Voleková a Markéta Pytlíková (Institute for Czech Language, Prague): Bible quotations in Nicholas of Dresden's Tabule veteris et novi coloris
William S. Monroe (Brown University): The Integration of Biblical and Secular History in the Fasciculus temporum
José van Aelst (OPVS, Paris): Eternal Wisdom Crucified: Henry Suso's image of Truth and Wisdom
J. Cornelia Linde (German Historical Institute, London): Better Keep the Laity in the Dark? The English Bible from Dominican Perspective
Jaroslav Svátek (Centre for Medieval Studies, Prague): The use of the Bible in the Czech vernacular travelogues to the Holy Land (Catholic and Utraquist perspective)
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