"Plant Biology"

Arabidopsis ROCK1 transports UDP-GlcNAc/UDP-GalNAc and regulates ER protein quality control and cytokinin activity

Niemann M.C.E., Bartrina I., Ashikov A., Weber H., Novák O., Spíchal L., Strnad M., Strasser R., Bakker H., Schmulling T, Werner T.
PLANT BIOLOGY 1112 : 291-296 , 2015
Klíčová slova: ROCK1, cytokinin, CKX, shoot meristem, nucleotide sugars

DELAY OF GERMINATION 1 mediated a conserved coat-dormancy mechanism for the temperature- and gibberellin-dependent control of seed germination

Graebe K., Linkies A., Steinbrecher T., Mummenhoff K., Tarkowská D., Turečková V., Ignatz M., Sperber K., Voegele A., Jong H. de, Urbanová T., Strnad M., Leubner-Metzger G.
PLANT BIOLOGY 2014 : E3571-E3580 , 2014
Klíčová slova: dormancy gene DOG1, gibberellin metabolism, germination temperature, cell-wall remodeling, Lepidium sativum

Cold stress and acclimation – what is important for metabolic adjustment?

Janská A., Maršík P., Zelenková S., Ovesná J.
PLANT BIOLOGY 12 [3] : 395–405 , 2010
Klíčová slova: Cold acclimation; crops; metabolomics; proteomics; signalling; transcriptomics.