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CERGE-EI Community Helps Flood Victims

19 May, 2014

Three months of heavy rainfall in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina has produced in just three days the worst floodsthe countries have seen in 120 years. On Thursday, May 15, a state of emergency was declared in both countries, leaving roughly 400 schools closed. CERGE-EI students have decided to help the victims.

Severe flooding in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina has forced hundreds of people to evacuate their homes and about 300,000 houses are without electric power. Many affected cities and villages are completely cut offdue to flooded roads and railways. Thousands of volunteers together with soldiers, police and fire brigades have been building flood barriers and have so far managed to rescue approximately 4,000 people. Large international aid operations help with donations and are evacuating people from affected areas. However, further help and support is needed, especially deliveries of food and supplies.

We would like kindly to ask you to support people in Bosnia and Serbia's flooded areas.
The Association Lastavica (official Facebook page: https://hr-hr.facebook.com/obcanskesdruzenilastavica, address: Zborovská 512/40 
15000 Praha, Smíchov ) is collecting food, medicines, hygiene items, etc. and forwards them to Serbia and Bosnia with the help of ČLOVĚK V TÍSNI.

If you would like to help, there are two possibilities:

1. The following donations will be collected in office #105 on May 20th:

-canned food: vegetables, fruits, beans, meat, fish, soups, juice;
-high energy food: dried meat, dried fruits; packaged energy bars
-cereals and snacks (cookies, crackers)
-spices: sugar, salt, pepper, instant coffee, tea;
-infants and young children's needs - baby food; 
-food for people with special needs (diabetics);

-toilet paper;
-soap, shower gel, shampoo;
-toothpaste, toothbrushes;
-first aid bandages, gauze, tweezers, scissors;
-rubber gloves, sponges;
-chlorine bleach;

-candles and / or lamps with oil;

2. For those who would like to donate money which will be used for the purchase of medicines and medical supplies, the official account is the account of the Association Lastavica: 19-2121269339/0800 (Česká spořitelna). 
The other options are to pay through one of two non-governmental agencies accounts: ČLOVĚK V TÍSNI and ADRA (The Adventist Development and Relief Agency) which have been opened for the same purpose.