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Grant GA13-14743S     1.2.2013 - 31.12.2017
Grantor: Czech Science Foundation (GAČR)

Function spaces, weighted inequalities, interpolation, integral operators, supremum operators

The main objective of this project is to find easily verifiable conditions that characterize embeddings between function spaces or boundedness or compactness of linear and quasi-linear operators defined on function spaces and to apply the obtained results. We intend to depart from our results obtained in frame of our previous grants (both domestic and international) and also from results of other leading scientists, and to continue developing this fruitful research. We shall mainly use real-variable methods, results of functional analysis, interpolation and extrapolation theorems, and techniques of harmonic analysis including techniques developed or partly developed by members of the team such as discretization and antidiscretization of weighted inequalities, characterization of weighted inequalities for supremum operators, characterization of optimal partner spaces or iteration methods for characterization of higher-order Sobolev spaces. The project is a natural continuation of the project 201/08/0383.

 Main investigator:

Pick  Luboš

  IM leaders:

Gogatishvili Amiran

 Participating institutions:

Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Coordinator
Institute of Mathematics, Czech Academy of Sciences