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Ph.D. topics / Master´s thesis

Here you can find available positions for Ph.D. as well as undergraduate students at the Institute of Physiology.

  • Ph.D. topics
  • Master's thesis



Candidate’s profile (requirements): MS or Engineer degree from University in EU, Ukraine, Russia, USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia and New Zeeland.   PhD Project 1: Application of modern techniques of fluorescence microscopy (CLSM and FRAP) for determination of mobility of G protein… More

Neurophysiology of Memory

Neurophysiology of Memory

Research topics: The hippocampus, anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and retrosplenial cortex (RSC) are important for cognitive functions.  The present project will aim at elucidating the role of these cortical structures in behavioral flexibility and navigation in a dynamic world. The project… More

Mitochondrial Physiology

Mitochondrial Physiology

We are looking for motivated PGS student for the project studying molecular mechanisms of insulin secretion. We study redox regulated signaling pathways, which participates in insulin secretion from beta cells of pancreatic Langerhans islets and once disrupted, diabetes type II can be developed.… More

Protein Structures

Protein Structures

Research topics: Structure and function of the 14-3-3 proteins and their complexes. The 14-3-3 proteins are a family of scaffolding proteins that play an important role in the regulation of signal transduction, apoptosis, cell cycle control, and nutrient-sensing pathways. The 14-3-3 proteins bind… More

Neurohumoral Regulations

Neurohumoral Regulations

Research topics:  Molecular mechanisms of interaction between maternal and fetal circadian clocks. Candidate’s profile (requirements): MSc. degree (or equivalent) in biomedicine-related field, high motivation, deep knowledge of physiology and molecular biology, experience with basic… More



Research topics: Physiology and molecular pharmacology of cholinergic muscarinic neurotransmission. Impairment of brain muscarinic neurotransmission in mouse model of Alzheimer´s disease during aging. Candidate’s profile (requirements): MD or MSc in physiology, cellular biology, biochemistry,… More

Membrane Transport

Membrane Transport

Research topics: Yeasts are eukaryotic microoroganisms used in industry for the production of a wide range of products, but, due to the similarity of their cellular structure and processes to those of higher eukaryotes, they serve as an important model organism in modern cell biology research. Some… More

Functional Morphology

Functional Morphology

Research Summary: The main research interest of our department is to study mechanisms of pain and to explore new possibilities of pain treatment, especially in chronic states. Our experimental work is concentrated on the modulation of nociceptive information at the spinal cord… More

Experimental Hypertension

Experimental Hypertension

Research topic1: The role of renin-angiotensin (RAS) and endothelin (ET) systems in experimentally induced renal failure Project background: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a world-wide health problem. Both RAS and ET systems play important roles in its development and maintenance. CKD could be… More

Epithelial Physiology

Epithelial Physiology

Research topics: Effect of stress on hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, gut inflammation and local biogenesis and metabolism of glucocorticoids Candidate’s profile (requirements): The candidate must hold a MSc degree in biochemistry/animal physiology or related biomedical fields, medicine… More

Developmental Cardiology

Developmental Cardiology

Research topics1: The role of leptin and RNA-demethylase FTO in cardiac tolerance to ischemia-reperfusion injury Candidate’s profile (requirements): MD or MSc in physiology, cellular biology, biochemistry, molecular biology, or similar.  Prior experience in cardiovascular physiology,… More

Cellular Neurophysiology

Cellular Neurophysiology

Research Summary: N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors are a type of ionotropic glutamate receptors mediating fast synaptic transmission and essential for learning and memory.  Abnormal function of NMDA receptors underlies many neurological and psychiatric diseases, including schizophrenia… More



Research topic: Main focus of our department lies on mitochondria, an organelle which accommodates number of key metabolic pathways and governs the life and death of the cell. A lot of our Research goes into the complexes of oxidative phosphorylation apparatus (OXPHOS), regulation of their… More

Adipose Tissue Biology

Adipose Tissue Biology

Research topics1: Obesity, insulin resistance and associated metabolic disorders (Metabolic syndrome). Molecular mechanisms underlying the effects of various lipid forms of omega-3 fatty acids on energy balance, insulin sensitivity and metabolism in obesity. Candidate’s profile (requirements): MSc… More

Bachelor's, master's and doctoral theses

Functional Morphology

It is possible to develop a bachelor's, master's and doctoral theses on various topics related to the creation of mechanisms and pain syndromes at our department. Periferní a centrální mechanizmy bolestivých stavů Modulace nocicepce na míšní úrovni Úloha synaptické modulace při nociceptivním… More

Projects at the department of Bioenergetics


  At the department of Bioenergetics, Institute of Physiology AS CR we offer the following theses’ topics. They can be submitted at the departments of Physiology or  Cell biology, Faculty of Science, Charles University.     BSc. projects: Biogenesis of the… More