Intranet Čeština

Membrane Transport

Membrane Transport Sodium and potassium transporting protein observed in yeast cells through a fluorescence microscope. Green fluorescence corresponds to the protein localized in the cell plasma membrane; red fluorescence visualizes membranes of vacuoles.

We study the proteins transporting compounds and signals across the cell membranes. These proteins, called transporters, assure the uptake of nutrients into the cells, efflux of waste compounds from cells and communication with the environment.  To study the animal and plant transporters, we mainly use a model eukaryotic microorganism – yeasts. Our research is focused mainly on:

  • Structure, function and regulation of cell transport systems at protein molecule level.
  • Role of transporters in specific cell properties and in diseases.
  • Role of transporters in Candida virulence and pathogenicity.
  • Development of new techniques to estimate cell physiological parameters.


Transporters reflected in specific properties of nonconventional yeasts

Some yeast species survive extreme changes in the environmental pH, temperature or osmotic pressure. We aim to identify and characterize specific transporters whose activity contributes to the ability to survive adverse environmental conditions. Acquired knowledge will help to improve the properties of yeast species used in industrial processes. More

Transporters reflected in specific properties of nonconventional yeasts

Some yeast species survive extreme changes in the environmental pH, temperature or osmotic pressure. We aim to identify and characterize specific transporters whose activity contributes to the ability to survive adverse environmental conditions. Acquired knowledge will help to improve the properties of yeast species used in industrial processes. More

Cell cation and pH homeostasis

The intracellular concentration of potassium and sodium cations, as well as of protons, is strictly regulated via the activity of a series of membrane proteins that mediate the flux of cations and protons with various transport mechanisms. Incorrect functioning of some transporters results in serious disorders and diseases. We study in detail the roles of individual transporters and the impact of their activity on cell fitness. More


The best poster award for Klara Richerova

Klara Richterova is the author of award-winning poster at 6th Czech-Swiss symposium BioTech 2014. The work with name „Heterologous expression of three laccases from different source of origin in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and their use for environmental application.“ was born in collaboration with Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry AS CR. Congratulation!  More


Zimmermannová, Olga - Salazar, A. - Sychrová, Hana - Ramos, J. Zygosaccharomyces rouxii Trk1 is an efficient potassium transporter providing yeast cells with high lithium tolerance . FEMS Yeast Research. 2015, Vol. 15, 4, fov029 . IF = 2.818 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Rosas-Santiago, P. - Lagunas-Goméz, D. - Barkla, B. J. - Vera-Estrella, R. - Lalonde, S. - Jones, A. - Frommer, W. B. - Zimmermannová, Olga - Sychrová, Hana - Pantoja, O. Identification of rice cornichon as a possible cargo receptor for the Golgi-localized sodium transporter OsHKT1;3 . Journal of Experimental Botany. 2015, Vol. 66, 9, p. 2733-2748 . IF = 5.526 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Papoušková, Klára - Jiang, L. - Sychrová, Hana . Vcx1 and ESCRT components regulate intracellular pH homeostasis in the response of yeast cells to calcium stress . FEMS Yeast Research. 2015, Vol. 15, 2, fov007 . IF = 2.818 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Kodedová, Marie - Sychrová, Hana . Changes in the Sterol Composition of the Plasma Membrane Affect Membrane Potential, Salt Tolerance and the Activity of Multidrug Resistance Pumps in Saccharomyces cerevisiae . PLoS ONE. 2015, Vol. 10, 9, e0139306 . IF = 3.234 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Kinclová-Zimmermannová, Olga - Falson, P. - Cmunt, Denis - Sychrová, Hana . A Hydrophobic Filter Confers the Cation Selectivity of Zygosaccharomyces rouxii Plasma-Membrane Na (+)/H (+) Antiporter . Journal of Molecular Biology. 2015, Vol. 427, 8, p. 1681-1697 . IF = 4.333 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Dušková, Michala - Ferreira, C. - Lucas, C. - Sychrová, Hana . Two glycerol uptake systems contribute to the high osmotolerance of Zygosaccharomyces rouxii . Molecular Microbiology. 2015, Vol. 97, 3, p. 541-559 . IF = 4.419 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Dušková, Michala - Borovikova, D. - Herynková, Pavla - Rapoport, A. - Sychrová, Hana . The role of glycerol transporters in yeast cells in various physiological and stress conditions . FEMS Microbiology Letters. 2015, Vol. 362, 3, p. 1-8 . IF = 2.121 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Leandro, Maria José - Cabral, S. - Loureiro-Dias, M.C. - Sychrová, Hana . The High-Capacity Specific Fructose Facilitator ZrFfz1 Is Essential for the Fructophilic Behavior of Zygosaccharomyces rouxii CBS 732T . Eukaryotic Cell. 2014, roč. 13, 11, p. 1371-1379. ISSN 1535-9778. IF = 2.82 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Herrera, R. - Alvarez, M.C. - Gelis, S. - Kodedová, Marie - Sychrová, Hana - Kschischo, M. - Ramos, J. Role of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Trk1 in stabilization of intracellular potassium content upon changes in external potassium levels . Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes 2014, roč. 1838, 1 part b, p. 127-133. ISSN 0005-2736. IF = 3.836 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Elicharová, Hana - Sychrová, Hana . Fluconazole affects the alkali-metal-cation homeostasis and susceptibility to cationic toxic compounds of Candida glabrata . Microbiology 2014, roč. 160, 8, p. 1705-1713. ISSN 1350-0872. IF = 2.557 [ASEP] [ doi ]

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Fyziologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i.
Department of Membrane Transport

Vídeňská 1083
14220 Praha 4
tel. +420 241 062 667
fax. +420 241 062 284


RNDr. Hana Sychrová, DrSc.
head of the department
Prof. RNDr. Arnošt Kotyk, DrSc.
senior researcher
Ing. Olga Zimmermannová, Ph.D. (née Kinclová)
senior researcher
Ing. Zuzana Antošová, Ph.D. (née Chrastilová)
  RNDr. Marie Kodedová, Ph.D.
Mgr. Klára Papoušková, Ph.D. (née Velková)

MSc. Vicent Liopis-Torregrosa

Mgr. Hana Čuláková, PhD.

Mgr. Michal Růžička, Ph.D.
lab manager
Mgr. Michala Dušková (née Bubnová)
PhD student
Mgr. Hana Elicharová
PhD student
Mgr. Barbora Hušeková
PhD student

Ing. Klára Herkommerová (née Richterová)

PhD student

Mgr. Petra Nevečeřalová

PhD student

Mgr. Kristýna Felcmanová

PhD student

Denis Cmunt
pregradual student
Pavla Herynková
lab technician