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Published review
Chaloupková, Jana

Hans-Jürgen Andreß and Dina Hummelsheim: When Marriage Ends: Economic and Social Consequences of Partnership Dissolution

Chaloupková, Jana. 2009. „Hans-Jürgen Andreß and Dina Hummelsheim: When Marriage Ends: Economic and Social Consequences of Partnership Dissolution.“ Central European Journal of Public Policy. 3 (2): 96-99. ISSN 1802-4866.

The book under review focuses on the situation after partnership dissolution in terms of 1. change in disposable income, 2. female labour market participation, 3. residential mobility, and 4. living conditions. It provides a comprehensive analysis of the economic consequences of divorce and its gender differences across European countries. Methodologically, it combines case studies with comparative micro-macro analyses using individual and institutional context data.