Surface plasmon resonance biosensors;
Nnanoparticles synthesis, characterization and functionalization;
Bioanalytical chemistry.
2012: PHD degree obtained in chemical sciences granted by the University of Florence (Italy)
Thesis title “Surface plasmon resonance imaging for the detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms”, Supervisor: prof. Minunni Maria
2009: MSc. degree in Chemistry obtained at University of study of Florence (Italy)
Thesis title: “Development of a DNA biosensor based on surface plasmon resonance imaging”, Supervisor: prof. Minunni Maria, cosupervisor: prof. Mascini Marco, coexaminer: dr. Debora Berti
2006: BSc. degree in Chemistry obtained at University of study of Florence (Italy) at European laboratory of non linear spectroscopy (LENS).
Thesis title: “Study of the reactivity induced by pressure on crystalline CO2 using titanium catalyst”, Supervisor: prof. Bini Roberto, cosupervisor: prof. Schettino Vincenzo
Journal papers:
Conference papers:
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