60 years of light at IPE in the new double issue of the journal Fine Mechanics and Optics and much more...

The first laser eye surgery in CR, thulium optical fiber lasers, optical biosensors, symposium SPIE Optics+Optoelectronics, and an overview of the research of light at the Institute of Photonics and Electronics can all befound in the special double iddue of the journal Fine Mechanics and Optics in the the International Year of Light  2015.

Bellow, you can see a picture from the first laser eye surgery in former Czechoslovakia, which is also a part of the exhibition dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the Czech Academy of Sciences (also shown below).

In the middle of 1964 brought Dr. John to our laboratory a girl with quite torn eye retina. Neither classical surgery operation nor the Lichtkoagulator device was applicable. She had the only chance and that was the application of laser radiation ..." remember nestors of Czech laser physics and quantum electronics Jan Blabla and Viktor Trkal.

>> Read the entire story here (in Czech only!)


JMO 5-6/2015 1. laserová operace oka  Viktor Trkal a Jan Blabla 

logo AV CČ 125Mezinárodní rok světla 2015




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