Saturday, 5 03 2016

Last update04.03 15:52

Confidence in constitutional institutions and satisfaction with political situation in March 2007

The president has been the most trustworthy constitutional institution in the long term and he enjoys trust expressed by almost three quarters of Czech citizens at this time. In the beginning of March the Government was found trustworthy by more than a third of Czechs. In comparism to previous month number of those who trust to Government has increased. Currently 23 % of Czech public find Chamber of Deputies trustworthy , while a quarter of people (25 %) confide in Senate. Both Regional Council and Local Council share higher level of trustees than Parliament. .

In March 2007 satisfaction with political situation in our country was expressed by 14 % of addressed citizens. Number of those who are satisfied with political situation has increased during last two months.3 out of 10 Czech citizens feel neither satisfied, nor dissatisfied with political situation in the Czech Republic. On the other side dissatisfaction was expressed by a half of respondents (52 %).

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<


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