Arabidopsis ROCK1 transports UDP-GlcNAc/UDP-GalNAc and regulates ER protein quality control and cytokinin activity
Niemann M.C.E., Bartrina I., Ashikov A., Weber H., Novák O., Spíchal L., Strnad M., Strasser R., Bakker H., Schmulling T, Werner T.
PLANT BIOLOGY 1112: 291-296, 2015
Keywords: ROCK1, cytokinin, CKX, shoot meristem, nucleotide sugars
IEB authors: Ondřej Novák, Lukáš Spíchal, Miroslav Strnad
PLANT BIOLOGY 1112: 291-296, 2015
Keywords: ROCK1, cytokinin, CKX, shoot meristem, nucleotide sugars