PhDr. Zdenka Mansfeldová, CSc.

Head of department and 1st Deputy Director, Senior Fellow
210 310 563

Curriculum vitae

  • 1983-1988, CSc. in Sociology, Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow State University
  • 1975, PhDr. in Sociology, Faculty of Philosophy, Charles University, Prague
  • 1969-1974, M.A. in Sociology and Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, Charles University, Prague
Field of specialisation: 
  • political sociology, political parties, parliaments, forms of interest representation
Foreign scholarships, fellowships or other academic study abroad: 
  • 11/1991        Institute of Political Science, University of Vienna

    8/93-10/93  Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, GmbH, Karl-Deutsch-visiting professor

    11/94           Max-Planck-Society, Research Unit Transformationsprocesses, Berlin

    6-7/1997     Universität Mainz, Institute of Political Science, DAAD fellowship

    4/1998         Japan Society for the Promotion of Science fellowship, Chuo University, Tokyo

    1-3/1999     Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin – Institute for Advanced Study, Andrew F. Mellon   Fellowship

    1-2/2000     Japan Institute of Labour fellowship, Tokyo

    3-4/2000     Japan Foundation fellowship, Chuo University, Tokyo

    1-2/2002    Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, GmbH, visiting researcher

    3/2002        Japan Society for the Promotion of Science fellowship, Chuo University, Tokyo

    7-12/2002 Research Centre for East European Studies at the University of Bremen, visiting researcher

    11/2004     Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, GmbH, visiting researcher

    7/2006       Japan Society for the Promotion of Science fellowship, Chuo University, Tokyo

    5-6/2007   Soochow University, Taipei, Taiwan, visiting researcher

    9-10/2008 Soochow University, Taipei, Taiwan, visiting researcher, Taiwanese National Science Council fellowship

    12/2010     Soochow University, Centre for Central and East European Studies, Taipei, Taiwan, visiting researcher, Soochow University fellowship

    12/2011    Soochow University, Taipei, Taiwan, visiting researcher, Taiwanese National Science Council fellowship

    10/2012    Institute for the Research of Societies and Knowledge, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia

    12/2013    Institute for the Research of Societies and Knowledge, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia

Biographic information: 
  • Masaryk Czech Sociological Society, 1972 - present
  • Czech Political Science Association, 1993 - present, member of executive
  • International Political Science Association (IPSA), 1997 - present,
  • Research Committee 8: Legislative specialists IPSA, member of executive, 2009 – 2012 programme chair, since 2012 co-chair of RC
  • The Central and East European International Studies Association, 1996 - present
  • European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), Standing Group Central and Eastern Europe, co-chair, 2002-2009
  • Southern American Political Science Association (SAPSA), since 2005
  • Evaluator for European Commission, Human Potential Research Training Networks, since 2001
  • Member of Czech Commission for  UNESCO – since 2003
  • Member of Scientific Advisory Committee of the Management of Social Transformation Programme (MOST), UNESCO, since 2009, since 2013 vice-president
  • Member of  Standing Committee for the Social Sciences, European Science Foundation (ESF), 2004-2010
  • Member of Research Council at the Ministry for Labour and Social Affaires – since 2004
  • Member of editorial board of the Czech Sociological Review
  • Member of editorial board of the Politologická revue (Political Science Review), since 2006
  • Member of editorial board of the quarterly Andragogika, since 2009
  • Member of editorial board ZfVP (Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft), since 2007
  • Member of advisory board of the Changing Europe book series, ibidem Publishing house, since 2009.

  • Member of  International Council of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic – since 2001, since 2005 vice-president
  • Member of standing working group of Accreditation Commission for Social Sciences at the Ministry for Education (since  2004)
  • Member of Advisory Board (Beirat), Social Science Centre Berlin (WZB) 2006-2013

  • Member of Board of the Research Institute for Labour and Social Affairs, v.v.i., since 2007

  • Member Board of the Institute of Sociology, AS CR, v.v.i., since 2012 chair

  • Member of Academy Assembly AS CR, 2006-2010

  • Member of Supervisory Committee of the Academy Assembly,  2006-2010

All publications

Articles with impact factor

Working papers

Chapters in monograph


Other publications

Papers published in conference proceedings

Peer-reviewed journal articles

Non-peer-reviewed articles
