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Found 2886 publications (displayed results 1 - 20)
2016, Guasti, P., Siroky, D., Stockemer, D
EU, politics (and political attitudes)
Article with impact factor
2016, Chylíková, Johana
methodology, sociological data
Article with impact factor
2015, Hamplová, D., P. Šalamounová
Peer-reviewed journal article
2006, Chaloupková, J., P. Šalamounová.
migration and mobility
Peer-reviewed journal article
2004, Kolářová, Marta

The article is focused on the visual gender representation in the anti-globalisation movement by the alternative media. British and Czech alternative magazines are compared. The anti-globalisation struggle is represented as gendered and traditional gender roles are reproduced in the alternative media. Women are mostly associated with non-violent actions; while men are often depicted as fighters. The violent protest is considered more effective and important.

gender, globalisation, media, civil society
Article with impact factor
2011, Kolářová Marta

The paper examines gender aspects of the alter-globalization movement. Focusing mainly on demonstrations in Prague and Genoa, the research draws on participant observation, interviews with activists, analysis of the alternative media of the movement, and activist and scholarly literature. The participation of women and men, gender as a part of the agenda of the movement, feminist activism within the movement, and gendered tactics and outcomes are analyzed.

gender, globalisation, civil society
Chapter in monograph
2011, Kolářová, Marta

This paper focuses on the contemporary Czech anarchist movement''s relation to sexuality. Sexuality issues were for a long time absent or marginalized in the movement; however, in the last years, the issue started to be addressed. I draw on my ethnographical study based on participant observation, analysis of the media of the movement and interviews with activists.

gender, civil society
Chapter in monograph
2003, Kolářová, Marta

The author contributes to the discussion on the second or third wave character of the feminist movement in Czech Republic. She describes the development of activist feminist movement against the backdrop of more than ten years working academic and NGO’s activities and the radical left. In the end she argues for the analogy to the US second wave feminism developments.

gender, civil society
Non-peer-reviewed article
2009, Kolářová, Marta

This paper examines gender aspects of tactics of the alter-globalization movement. Focusing mainly on two transnational collective actions in Prague in 2000 and in Genoa in 2001, the research draws on participant observation, interviews with activists and analysis of the movement's alternative media. The feminist activism within the movement, the gendered tactics and their representation in the alternative media are analysed using the concept of diffusion.

gender, globalisation, civil society
Article with impact factor
2011, Kolářová, Marta

Kniha se zabývá fenoménem subkultur, konkrétně vybraných hudebních subkultur mládeže v současné České republice. Představuje tradiční i současné teorie a přístupy ke studiu subkultur, a to jak v zahraničí, tak i v českém a postsocialistickém kontextu. Věnuje se především otázkám hodnot a politizace subkultur, jejich vnitřní diferenciaci a vztahu k sociální struktuře a alternativnímu životnímu stylu.

value orientations, identity, kultura, politics (and political attitudes), social inequalities, lifestyle
2006, Kolářová, Marta
gender, civil society
Chapter in monograph
2009, Kolářová, Marta

Publikace se zabývá genderovými aspekty globalizace a antiglobalizačního hnutí ve světě a v České republice. Hlavní otázka, kterou si autorka položila, zní: Kde se setkává a míjí antiglobalizační kritika s feministickým pojetím globalizace? Práce představuje feministickou kritiku globalizace a její začlenění v antiglobalizačním diskurzu. Jako průsečík feminismu a antiglobalismu ve světě chápe ženskou organizovanost zdola proti negativním dopadům neoliberálních politik.

gender, globalisation, identity, politics (and political attitudes), work
2006, Kolářová, Marta, Karen Kapusta-Pofahl, Hana Hašková

V článku se autorky zabývají tím, jakými způsoby ovlivňují sponzoři fungování českých ženských občanských skupin a organizací. Autorky analyzují vztah mezi organizovanými aktivitami a neformální podporou těchto skupin a organizací v postsocialistické ČR. Ačkoliv dokumentují zvyšující se tlak na formalizaci ženských občanských skupin, zaznamenávají také přetrvávající důležitost neformálních vztahů a osobních kontaktů pro úspěch ženských NNOs i neformálních feministických skupin.

gender, civil society
Chapter in monograph
2013, Kolářová, Marta
value orientations, identity, kultura, lifestyle
Chapter in monograph
2010, Kolářová, Marta

Transnational feminism has become a significant global actor in recent decades, but it is not unanimous. Imperial tendencies of western feminists to influence women in other cultures have already appeared in the history of the feminist movement. Criticism of white Euro-American feminism, especially in the form of global sisterhood, has reached a peak in the past three decades, especially in international fora.

gender, globalisation, civil society
Peer-reviewed journal article
2012, Kolářová, Marta

Text se zabývá vztahem genderu a války a konkrétně se zaměřuje na aktivní roli žen ve válce. Snaží se odpovědět na otázku, zda mohou ženy bojovat a proč jsou z válčení vyloučeny. Ptá se také, jestli válka a účast žen v armádě a boji přispívá k ženské emancipaci. Na několika klíčových případech z různých kultur a historických období ukazuje, že ženy, ačkoli jsou z boje systematicky vylučovány, se ve válce projevily jako schopné bojovnice.

gender, politics (and political attitudes)
Peer-reviewed journal article
2008, Kolářová, Marta

This article focuses on the intersection of gender, class and racial/ethnic inequalities. The intersection theory draws on the feminist critique of traditional class theory and on the challenge to feminism posed by ethnic women. The article develops thinking about various configurations of the intersection of inequalities and addresses mainly the case of marginalized women.

gender, social inequalities
Peer-reviewed journal article
2007, Kolářová, Marta

The paper is a review of literature on gender aspects of social movement's protest against globalization. It divides the movements according to gender of participants to grassroots women's movements against globalization, gender-neutral anti-globalization movement and masculine movements that express anti-globalization stance. It focuses specifically on activism against sweatshop labor and its transnational networks, connections, and its positive and negative effects.

gender, globalisation, civil society
Peer-reviewed journal article
2016, Večerník, Jiří, Mysíková, Martina

We use the national and international data from EU-SILC survey to compare different indicators of poverty; to compare this data source with administrative data; to compare the time of remaining in poverty according to various indicators; to compare the situation in the Czech Republic with EU countries.

economics, standard of living
Other publication
