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David Hartman

Short CV


working in Nonlinear Dynamic Workgroup (NDW) within Institute of Computer Science of Academy of the Czech Republic (CAS) works on problems of Complex network with application to neurology and climatology and at Computer Science Institute (IUUK) on analysis of symmetrical relational structures and particularly graph or colored graphs possesing ultrahomogeneous or homomorphism-homogenous property, within Department of Applied Mathematics (KAM) on problems of interval optimization.

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alter ego

  • me at IUUK Charles University

contact info

Department of Nonlinear Modeling

Institute of Computer Science

Czech Academy of Sciences

Pod Vodarenskou vezi 2

Praha 8, 182 07, Czech Republic


Tel: (+420) 26605 3808

E-mail: hartman [at-remove-spam]


research interests

  • graph theory,
  • model theory with stress to Fraisse theory,
  • algorithms, optimization and interval optimization,
  • computational neuroscience,
  • climate networks,
  • theoretical informatics and time series analysis.



    Large scale interactions in brain networks and their breakdown in brain diseases

  • CE-ITI
    Centrum of Excelence - Institute for Theoretical Computer Science (Charles University)
  • GAČR P103/11/J068
    Interactions, information transfer and complex structures in the dynamics of changing climate



  • 2014 PhD Extension properties of structures. Ph.D. thesis. Charles University Prague
  • 2008 PhD Modelling of Complex Traffic System, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen

  • 2008 Graduated with honors for Ing. (MSc equivalent) in Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Institute of Chemical Technology Prague

  • 2003 Graduated with honors for Ing. (MSc equivalent) in Computer Science Faculty of Applied Science, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen


other work

  • 2006-present Lecturer in Discrete Mathematics, Convex optimization algorithms, Interval algebra and others at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague 
  • 2008-present Lecturer in programming and algorithms, Unicorn College