
Ročenka AV ČR 2014

Academic bulletin / Živa

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The objective of the fellowship is to support “Czech studies” in both national and territorial delimitation by means of the financing of short-term study stays of foreign researchers at the Institutes of the CAS. The fellowship is intended for young researchers (usually aged up to 35) who need to study the Czech historical, cultural, language, geographic or natural characteristics in the Czech Republic.

The applications for the Josef Dobrovský Fellowship are filed by the directors of CAS Institutes following its discussion in the Institute’s council and with its recommendation. The deadlines for submitting the applications are 28 February and 31 August of each year. For more information, see below the current version of the Rules for Granting a “Josef Dobrovský Fellowship” to Foreign Researchers.

Awarded Josef Dobrovský Fellowship - 2015/I.

Awarded Josef Dobrovský Fellowship - 2015/II.

Awarded Josef Dobrovský Fellowship - 2016/I.