Registration to the catalogue

If you are not a registered user, please see the librarian and register. After registration, you can immediately start borrowing the titles you are interested in. Once your registration is confirmed, you can log in to the library catalogue for the first time by clicking Sign In (top left) and filling the registration data (you can also use the direct link to log in).

Once you log in, you can check the status of your loans (by clicking Reader at the top left corner) and extend them. You can also order our publications electronically. 

Searching the catalogue for journals

In the catalogue, you can search by the following criteria:

  • title o the journal
  • subject (general or partial topic)
  • IBSN signature (International Standard Serial Number)
  • publisher

The criterion can be selected from the combo dialogue at the Search box (the second line in the search form). 

To search a title, click the serial number in the first left column (the one marked #) to open the journal entry with all the information, including the access to the online versions. The access is available for the IAP staff computers and the computer in the reading room.

Reading room

In the main IPA building, there is a small reading room for the library users in room 22 on the ground floor. You can open the reading room with the card you use to enter the building.

The reading room has a computer with access to subscribed electronic resources. On the shelves, you will find the current journal issues. Older issues are stored in boxes at the back of the room. You find the journals themselves, using the list of printed journals on the reading room table or here.

If you take away anything away from the reading room, please note this in the workbook on the table! The workbook serves as important evidence of loans.

In case of problems, please contact us at