Alumni Profiles

Petra (Brhlíková) Sevčiková

Petra (Brhlíková) Sevčiková

Slovakia, PhD 2007

Petra Sevčíková is a Senior Lecturer at the Centre for Primary Care and Public Health Queen Mary, University of London. Before moving to London, she was a Senior Research Fellow in Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy and a Lecturer at the School of Social and Political Science at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, UK. She joined the CERGE-EI PhD program in 2000 after graduating from Comenius University in Bratislava. She defended her thesis, "Essays on Competition and Entrepreneurial Choice between Nonprofit and For-Profit Firms," in 2006. Her primary research interests are regulation of pharmaceutical industry and non-profit firm research. She is also involved in the project titled "Accessing Medicines in Africa and South Asia (AMASA)", funded by EU FP7, which was stimulated by her earlier research on three pharmaceuticals in India and Nepal, jointly funded by DfID and the ESRC.

Two of her recent publications include "Do cervical cancer data justify HPV vaccination in India? Epidemiological data sources and comprehensiveness" with I Mattheij & AM Pollock and "Rethinking WHO guidance: review of evidence for misoprostol use in the prevention of postpartum haemorrhage" with CS Chu & AM Pollock, both in The Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine vol. 105, published in 2012.