Library Rules

In accordance with Act No. 257/2001 Coll., referring to rules for running public library and information services (Library Act), we issue the following regulations.

Article I - Fundamental Stipulations
Article II - Library Users
Article III - Binding Library Regulations

Article IV - Library Services

Article V - User Rights and Duties

Article VI - Library Membership

Article VII - Library Loans on the Premises

Article VIII - Outside Loans

Article IX - Deposits, Compensation

Article X - Final Stipulation

Article I. Fundamental Stipulations

The Library is open to the public as an information service for those who specialize in fundamental research in economics and are establishing theoretical bases for devising economic policy. Furthermore, it serves students engaged in graduate economics programs which are closely linked to the goals and specializations of the Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education of Charles University and the Economics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences (further referred to as CERGE-EI).

Article II. Library Users

The Library serves the following categories of users:
Category A – Matriculated students according to the study programs at CERGE-EI.
Category AA – Non-matriculated (special program) CERGE-EI students, sponsors.
Category AVIP – CERGE-EI permanent and visiting faculty members, researchers, and employees.
Category AUK – Researchers, teachers, and students from other units of the Charles University.
Category AAV – Researchers from other units of CAS.
Category ALM – CERGE-EI Alumni.
Category B – Researchers, teachers, students from other schools, universities, and research institutes in the Czech Republic.
Category D – Researchers, teachers, students from other schools, universities and research institutes outside the Czech Republic.
Category G – General public.

Article III. Binding Library Rules

These stipulations regulating the activities and services provided by the Library are binding for all employees and users.
Claims and proposals regarding library activities and services can be submitted to the Library Director, either verbally or in writing.
Non-adherence to Library Rules is punishable by sanctions (see Supplement 1) and provides grounds for temporary (for a one-time violation of the rules) or permanent suspension of one's right to use library services.
Temporary or permanent suspension of the right to use library services does not absolve the user from the responsibility for compensation of damages. These damages are to be compensated according to valid legal norms.

Article IV. Library Services

The CERGE-EI Library offers public library and information services. These include:
a/ loans on the premises and outside loans,
b/ inter-library loan service and international inter-library loan service (ILL and IILL),
c/ bibliographic, information, and reference services,
d/ electronic services
e/ photocopying on a self-service basis.

The Library offers its standard services free of charge. The Library may require compensation of costs for administrative tasks related to library user record-keeping and for specialized services. A deposit may be required for these services.
Publications located outside of open shelves will be prepared upon request the following working day.

Article V. Library Membership

1. A person becomes a library user by signing the application form and as soon as his/her library card is registered. The user pledges to respect the stipulations contained in the Library Rules and agrees to the addition of his/her personal information to the library database.
2. Library membership is valid for 6 months or one year from the date of registration. Upon the user’s request, the membership can be renewed.
3. The Library treats personal information in accordance with Act No. 101/2000 Coll., referring to personal data protection.
4. Issuance/registration of a library card is subject to the submission of a completed application form and a valid identity card.
a/ Citizens of the Czech Republic must submit a valid identity card and other documents proving their eligibility for inclusion to the relevant user category.
b/ Citizens of other states must submit a valid passport and other valid documents proving they hold long-term/permanent residency in the Czech Republic and other documents proving their eligibility for inclusion to the relevant user category.
c/ Citizens of other states without a Czech residency permit (or with a permit for less than six months) may borrow materials (outside loans) upon payment of a refundable deposit.
5. Library cards are not transferable.
6. The user to whom a card is issued is responsible for its use.
7. The user must immediately report the loss of a library card to the Library.
8. Changes regarding the personal data of the user - e.g. long-term study stay abroad, premature termination of a study program, a change of employment/employer, etc. - must be reported immediately. If the Library is forced to search for such data on its own, or if some damage is caused by such changes, the user must compensate the Library for the costs incurred.

Article VI. User Rights and Duties

1. Users of the Library are obliged to comply with copyright Act No. 121/2000 Coll., referring to copyright, rights related to copyright, and the amendment of certain laws (the Czech Copyright Act).
2. Library users are obliged to comply with the license agreements of all electronic sources accessible on the CERGE-EI LAN or through registered remote access. Any data obtained may be used only for the purposes of teaching, research and study. The following are specifically prohibited: large-scale downloading of data that exceeds individual usage, copying or using obtained data for the benefit of a third party or for commercial purposes, and downloading complete volumes of journals.
3. Failure to observe the database license conditions may result in sanctions (according to the conditions of the individual electronic resources producers). It may also lead to immediate termination of membership in the CERGE-EI Library.
4. The user assumes responsibility for publications on loan to him/her that are registered in the library system. The user must check the state of his/her account and immediately report any mistakes.
5. On entering the Library, the user shows her or his library card.
6. Users must be considerate of others and follow instructions from the staff member on duty at all times. Smoking and eating are prohibited in the Library.

Article VII. Library Loans on the Premises

The entire library collection is available for reading on the premises.
The following are lent for on-premises use only:
a/ publications to which there is a threat of irreplaceable loss or irreparable damage (unique publications),
b/ reference literature,
c/ newspapers.

All documents obtained through ILL and IILL are for library use only.

Article VIII. Outside Loans

1. With the exception of materials specified in Article VII, the following publications can be checked out:
a/ publications in the long loan category, to users of all categories for 4 weeks
b/ publications in other categories than long loan, to CERGE-EI users only.
2. The loan period may be extended by the Library for CERGE-EI users or reduced for other users, according to the needs of CERGE-EI.
3. Maximum number of loans for each user category is stated in Supplement 2.
4. A loan may be renewed twice. Loans of publications that have previously been reserved by other users cannot be renewed. Priority is given to category A and AVIP users.
5. A user may make a reservation to borrow a publication on loan to other user (in accordance with Supplement 2). Once the publication is available, there is a period specified by Library for user to collect the publication. If the user does not collect the publication, the reservation is canceled.
6. When loaning materials, the Library may demand a deposit if there are sufficient grounds to do so.
7. In the exceptional case that a user returns a publication by post, s/he must package it safely and send it by registered post.
8. If the loan time is exceeded by the user, s/he will pay the fine determined in Supplement 1. This applies even if a reminder has not been sent. If the user is sent a reminder requesting books be returned, the user must also pay for that reminder. After the third reminder, legal action will be taken and the user is obliged to cover the costs of the legal representation.
9. No item belonging to the Library may be taken outside the Czech Republic except by special permission from the librarian.

Article IX. Deposits, Compensation

For outside loans the Library may require a guarantee that the book will be returned by requiring a deposit to be paid in cash to the Library. The receipt slip entitles the user to reimbursement from the Library upon return of the loaned book. The amount of deposit will be determined by the librarian or Library Director.
When a book is damaged, destroyed or lost, the user is required to provide compensation in one of the following forms:
a/ restoration of damaged book,
b/ supply of an undamaged copy of the work in the same edition in a binding of a similar quality,
c/ compensation by another edition of the work or another work of roughly the same value and importance for the library collection,
d/ financial compensation equal to the current price of the work.

Article X. Final Stipulation

1. Supplement 1 "Fees and Sanctions" and Supplement 2 “Table of Loans” are an integral part of the "Library Rules."
2. The Library Rules are issued by the director of the institute.
3. Exceptions to the Library Rules are authorized by the Library Director.
4. Library open hours are determined by the director of the Library with the agreement of the director of the institute.
5. These Library Rules come into effect on the date they are undersigned.


In Prague 2015
Doc. Ing. Michal Kejak, M.A., CSc. 