Intranet Čeština

Study program

The postgraduate study program applies to students enrolled in postgraduate studies at any Czech university where their supervisor (or supervisor-specialist) is an employee of the Institute of Physiology, and who have at least part of their research during the study carried out at the premises of the Institute.


The study program includes:


Open Day for those interested in Ph.D. study


Opening course in physiological methods for beginner students


Advancement Report - a seminar where the students prepare, during their 3rd year of study,  a presentation on the achieved results and the final goals of their dissertation


Bureš lectures - lectures by internationally acclaimed scientists, including the possibility of discussion with the invited scientist


External meeting of Ph.D. students


Internal doctoral thesis defense before committing to the relevant Doctoral Committee


• The first author minireview in Physiological Research, under the conditions defined by the magazine (Review Articles of Young Investigators in Physiological Research)