MAE Job Market Candidates

The CERGE-EI students listed below graduated with a Master of Arts in Applied Economics diploma in July 2015 and are currenlty on the job market. MA in Applied Economics graduates are skilled in analyzing and interpreting economic data, creating and using economic models, and applying quantitative methods to solve real problems.

Click on the name to access full profile.

  • Jindřich Gallo

    Jindřich Gallo

    Interested in: job or internship in finance or consulting

  • Sofia Khaydari

    Sofia Khaydari

    Interested in: internship or job in a team to utilize organizational and statistical analysis skills, preferably in banking, financial analysis, or NGO

  • Bogdan Pleshkevich

    Bogdan Pleshkevich

    Interested in: job in consulting or corporate finance