Marx After Marxism: The Critique of Value in the Age of the iPhone
prof. Nick Nesbitt, University of Princeton
Pořádá Oddělení pro studium moderní české filosofie
- Anotace
Over two decades following the collapse of the Soviet-block state-capitalist regimes, neoliberal global capital is itself arguably approaching a terminal crisis in the ability to realize surplus value. It is thus essential to clearly distinguish Marx's monumental and unparalleled study of the structural and historical nature of capitalism from the distortions and misinterpretations to which his thought was subject in traditional Marxism, and to develop the conceptual apparatus and categorial critique of Capital for the twenty-first century. This talk will argue that, with automation encroaching daily into heretofore sacred domains of human labor, this project necessarily entails a contemporary critique of the value form, drawing on the work of Moishe Postone and Robert Kurz in particular.