PhD Student Mobilities

One of the unique features of CERGE-EI’s PhD in Economics program is that our students are very successful in applying for a mobility stay at a number of prestigious universities in the United States and Western Europe, and in conducting part of their dissertation research there.

CERGE-EI provides partial funding of student mobilities on a competitive basis. Students may also apply for funding from other sources.

Students of the PhD in Economics program who go on mobility benefit not only from the advice and knowledge they receive from the faculty members of the host universities, but also from the general experience of living and studying at a different university.

“Overall, I believe this trip had a significant impact on my career and these were the most productive months during my PhD study. I became acquainted with the American research environment, communicated with the top researchers in my field, and made contacts with several PhD students. Mobility trip is undeniably a very useful experience for any PhD student."

Sasha, PhD in Economics student, visited the University of California, San Diego in 2015

“Ultimately, my stay at the University of Edinburgh contributed enormously to the development of my general idea of the importance of labor sorting into a paper… The stay helped me to develop my ideas and to progress on my paper. It also fostered my integration into global community of economic researchers."

Maxim, PhD Economics student, visited the University of Edinburgh in 2015

“I spent three months at NYU … the research stay helped me to make a substantial progress with my dissertation, and also helped me to establish or strengthen important contacts with both faculty members and students not just from NYU, but also from other universities located in New York and New Jersey. I also had a chance to present my work in several seminars where I received invaluable comments. My stay was very fruitful and I only wished that it could be longer."

Vojtěch, PhD in Economics student, visited New York University in 2014

“I was pleasantly surprised by the very personal and friendly approach that characterizes the faculty, graduate students and other people at UIC. This helpful approach not only supported my progress in my research, but it also opened for me a new view on research work itself... An international environment together with enriching discussions during classes, research seminars and consultations with the top professors in my research field were great enhancements for my professional and personal life upon which I will draw throughout my life."

Miroslava, PhD in Economics student, visited The University of Illinois at Chicago in 2014

“Overall, my mobility trip was rewarding in many aspects. The state-of-the art facilities made life easier. The faculties were humble and down-to-earth enough to lend their attention and provide insightful comments. The positive nature of their feedbacks is something that particularly stands out.... It is, however, the overall environment and scholarly culture that I found most rewarding. I have had a chance to attend occasional high table dinners at the graduate dinning room where we have had a dinner table conversation with distinguished guests. I was lucky to listen to His Holiness the Dalai Lama sharing his thoughts with the campus community."

Liyousew, PhD in Economics student, visited Princeton University in 2014

“Studying at Princeton, even if only for a short period of time, is a memory that will last for a lifetime. The services available to Princeton students go well beyond the standards … My stay at Princeton University was extremely useful from the professional/academic point of view, a priceless experience for me personally, and very enjoyable on the most informal level."

Vít, PhD in Economics Program, visited Princeton University in 2014

"In my fourth year at CERGE-EI, I spent three wonderful months as a visiting student at the University College London. My local supervisor there was extremely helpful and kind to me for the whole time. I attended many great research seminars presentations and had the opportunity to present my research as well. I have also met a lot of great people there, and spent a joyful time in London."

Klára, PhD in Economics student, visited University College London in 2013

"My study stay at Princeton University was an invaluable experience which significantly boosted my research. I was able to consult on my work with top researchers from my field. Based on their comments, I completely re-wrote my paper, which later became my job market paper. Towards the end of my stay, I also presented this work at a local PhD student workshop, which was attended by many local faculty members, and received very valuable feedback."

Martin, 2014 PhD in Economics graduate, visited Princeton University in 2012

"During 2 months at the University of Pennsylvania, besides talking to faculty, attending different seminars and conferences, and benefiting from school's library and other facilities I enjoyed the unique experience of living and traveling in the US. I strongly encourage other CERGE-EI students to take advantage of a mobility stay and recommend potential future students take into account this opportunity when  applying to the Ph.D. program."

Ruslan, PhD in Economics student, visited the University of Pennsylvania in 2011

"Visiting at the University of Pennsylvania was a fantastic experience that allowed me to set the basis of my empirical research. It enriched me with much more than just the data: it gave me more familiarity with the US academic environment and it opened my eyes to new horizons. This would not be possible without all the great people in the department, whose warm welcome and kind help made my stay in Philadelphia one of the best experiences of my life."

Pavla, 2014 PhD in Economics graduate, visited the University of Pennsylvania in 2012

"My stay at  UCL was an exciting opportunity to discuss research ideas with a number of students and professors there. They host interesting seminars and give opportunities for students to present their own work. A very friendly and productive atmosphere for doing research."

Volha, PhD in Economics student, visited University College of London in 2013

"The main benefit of my stay at the University of Pennsylvania was to get access to the data for my research. I’m very grateful that I had an opportunity to visit Philadelphia, use the university academic facilities, especially the library, and to meet such open and generous people. My stay there was very useful for my research and I’ve gained an unforgettable life experience..."

Tamara, PhD in Economics student, visited the University of Pennsylvania in 2011

"During my stay at the University of Pennsylvania I had opportunities to attend PhD courses, seminars  and talk to professors. Beside academic issues, Philadelphia is a perfect place to touch  US history and to travel to New York and Washington. Generally I would characterize my time spent at the University of Pennsylvania as very helpful and productive."

Svyatoslav, PhD in Economics student, visited the University of Pennsylvania in 2013

A selected list of institutions where CERGE-EI students have visited on mobility in the past few years includes:

Northern American Universities: Princeton University, Harvard University, Columbia University, the University of California at Berkeley, Stanford University, Boston University, New York University, the University of Pennsylvania and others

European Universities: Cambridge University, the Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS) - Vienna, Tinbergen Institute - Amsterdam, Università Luigi Bocconi - Milan, Université Libre de Bruxelles, University College London, University of Essex, University of Paris I, Pantheon-Sorbonne, University of Tilburg - Center for Economic Research