Projects archive

    • Regional Innovation Strategy of the Central Bohemian Region

      The public tender for elaboration of the Regional Innovation Strategy of the Central Bohemian Region for the period 2015-2020 (RISCBR) aims to make a common policy document for the research and innovation business in the Central Bohemian Region.

      As a highly attractive region in many respects, the Central Bohemian Region has a number of specific features. Systematic support and development of research and innovation business was, however,
      for a long period of time non-existing and of rather marginal interest. For a functional innovation system, effectively connected key actors and knowledge capacities in the corporate and public sectors, there must necessarily be a properly formulated strategy which is widely accepted and manifested by the partnership principle and commitment of public authorities to actively fulfill defined goals.

    • Regional Innovation Monitor (RIM)

      The Regional Innovation Monitor (RIM) is an initiative of the European Commission's Directorate General for Enterprise and Industry. The overall objective of RIM is to contribute to improved competitiveness of EU regions through increasing the effectiveness of their innovation policies and strategies. It does so by providing policymakers and other innovation stakeholders with the analytical framework and tools for evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of regional policies and regional innovation systems. RIM covers 20 EU Member States: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.


    • The Czech Republic in the European Research Area

      The principal goal of the CZERA project is a development of already existing research infrastructure providing analytical, information and organizational support for strategic decisions and conceptual planning of the state administration with a basic aim to contribute to the active and efficient participation of the Czech Republic in European Research Area (ERA) namely in international collaboration in research, development and innovation. The project includes also providing a complex system of services to research organizations and entrepreneurs (SMEs in particular) to participate in cooperative research projects in particular through Framework Programmes of EU for research, development and innovation.

      Project coordinator: Mr. Karel Klusacek

      Module I Manager "Oriented research for strategic decision in reserach, development and innovation": Mr. Michal Pazour

      Module II Manager "Servises to national research teams, research organizations and industrial companies to engage in ERA: Mrs. Nada Konickova

      • Partners:

        Technology Centre ASCR

      • Outputs:

         Project outputs are continuosly published at, framework program site FP7 and Horizon 2020

      • Duration: October 2010 - December 2015
      • Submitter: Ministry of Education Youth and Sports
      • Manager: Pazour Michal
    • Influence of new settlement structures technologies and the structure of settlements

      New technologies lead to changes in the needs and behavior of people and put new demands on the settlements structure and their relationships. The project Influence of new settlement structures technologies and the structure of settlements (TES) aims to analyze new technological trends,
      to describe their expected spatial impacts and to recommend steps that could effectively respond to planning activities of new trends. The project results will form the basis for planning activities and regional policy handled by the Ministry for Regional Development. The effort will be in finding mechanisms for the sustainable development of settlements and regions and to help better synergies on the territory arrangement interests.

      • Partners:

        Technology centre ASCR and The Faculty of Natural Sciences of Charles University in Prague.

      • Duration: August 2014 - July 2015
      • Submitter: TA CR
      • Manager: Pokorný Ondřej
    • HDHL

      The project provides administrative, managerial and methodological support for the realisation of the Join Programme Initiative (JPI) A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life.

      • Partners:

        7 partners, coordinated aby EZ ANL, Netherlands

      • Outputs:

        Project website:

      • Duration: May 2011 - July 2015
      • Submitter: European Commission
      • Manager: Koníčková Naďa
    • PACITA

      PACITA („Parliaments and Civil Society in Technology Assessment“) is a 4-years project financed by the Science in Society scheme of the FP7. The aim of the project is to enhance and expand the European capacity on evidence-based policy-making and policy making based on or using science and research, public engagement in science, two-way communication between scientists and other stakeholders and ethics in science. 

      • Partners:

        The Consortium has 15 members lead by the Danish Board of Technology (DBT

      • Outputs:

        Project output will be published at the official project’s website: or Czech national website

      • Duration: April 1, 2011 - March 31, 2015
      • Submitter: European Commission
      • Manager: Hebáková Lenka
    • TIPS

      TIPS is a support action funded by the European Commission to enhance the capacity of EU transport projects to transform research results into innovative products and services.
      Efficient transport contributes to sustainable wealth and prosperity in Europe, but intensified competition calls for more innovation and high tech knowledge to maintain Europe's competitiveness, ensuring sustainable, efficient and affordable transport services and developing new skills and job opportunities.

      • Partners:

        Partner organizations from 9 countries (Germany, Italy, Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, Bulgaria, France, Greece and the Czech Republic)

      • Outputs:

        TIPS will develop good practices on exploitation strategies to help ongoing transport projects exploit their research results.

        Outputs of the project are continuously published on the web site of the project.

      • Duration: October 2012 - September 2014
      • Submitter: European Commission
      • Manager: Škarka Martin
    • COSMOS+

      The project follows the objectives COSMOS  - to reinforce the network of National Contact Points (NCP) for Space via co-operation. This is to ensure a more balanced high quality of the services and to add value to the work provided by each single Space NCP. Additionally the network will promote dissemination of GMES and other Space related services to regional authorities, potential local downstream service providers and the interested public.

      • Partners:

        34 partners

      • Outputs:

        Outputs are presented at


      • Duration: May 2012 - July 2014
      • Submitter: European Commision
      • Manager: Mirovský Ondřej
    • NMP TeAm 2

      This project builds on the results and the achievements of the FP7 NMP NCP Network project NMP TeAm. NMP TeAm 2 aims at assisting the NMP NCP Network to provide good quality and high standard services to the proposers and therefore helping simplify access to FP7 calls, lowering the entry barriers for newcomers, and raising the average quality of submitted proposals.  To this effect the four main objectives of this projectare:  

      • to optimise the tools at hand to the benefit of the networks clients, such as the partner search system developed in NMP TeAm, the use and further development of the NMP NCP Network website and other communication tools,
      • to maximise the impact and add value to organised European wide events by organising parallel partnership building events, joint NMP NCP stands and joint awareness campaigns,
      • to standardise the Network skills and provided services through the creation of documentation to aid the work of the NCPs and the actualization of the charter of services, staff exchanges, twinnings and targete trainings and
      • to forge and utilize the links with NMP related Networks, Technology Platforms, the Enterprise Europe Network and the International collaboration programme. 
      • Partners:

        16 partners, coordinator Foundation for Research and Technology HELLAS, Greece

      • Outputs:

        Project output will be published at the project website

      • Duration: February 2012 - July 2014
      • Submitter: European Commission
      • Manager: Kubátová Jitka
    • SiSnet is the international network of National Contact Points (NCPs) for the Science in Society (SiS) area in the EU’s 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7). The network unites more than 60 representatives from all European and number of non-European countries.

      • Outputs:

        Project web site:

      • Duration: November 2011 - June 2014
      • Submitter: European Commission
      • Manager: Pacvoň Michal

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