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Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR


Monday, 07.12.2015

Vítězslav Jarý, Ph.D., the postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague, was awarded the prize “Česká hlava” (literal translation “Czech Head”). In particular, Vítězslav Jarý obtained the price of ČEZ group for the excellent PhD thesis in technical sciences.

Recently there has been increasing demand for new materials which can be used for detection of invisible ionizing radiation (X-ray, gamma ray), for example in industry (searching for leakage in materials, looking for new natural resources), medicine (CT, PET scanners), security (security checks at the airport gates), physics (LHC particle accelerator in CERN).

Thursday, 03.12.2015, Ivan Pelant, Michael Prouza

After the success of Mgr. Hynek Němec, Ph.D., who received in spring 2015 the “Neuron prize for young scientists” in physics, were announced two further winners, who have a close connections to Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences – prof. Petr Hořava, Ph.D. and Mgr. Anna Fučíková, Ph.D.

Saturday, 14.11.2015

The prestigious prizes of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic for the best projects accomplished in applied research in 2015 were awarded at the official ceremony in the New building of the National Museum in Prague on October 22nd, 2015. Among four award-winning projects there were two projects that included teams from the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS).

Thursday, 15.10.2015, Radka Kozáková

The HiLASE laser center situated in the village of Dolni Brezany was awarded in the 23rd edition of the Building of the Year Awards. The Special award from Milan Štěch, the President of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, was given by Mr. Zdeněk Škromach, the Vice-president of the Senate. The trophy was taken over in the Bethlehem Chapel by the Director of the Institute of Physics, Mr. Jan Řídký, by the authors of the HiLASE building Mrs Vladimíra Leníčková, Mr. David Leníček, Mr. Robert Leníček and the deputy contractor Mr. Petr Ovčáček.

Wednesday, 02.09.2015

Team led by Assoc. Prof. I. Kratochvílová obtained award TAČR 2015 for successfully solved project TA01011165 "Synthetic multi-epitope vaccine against Lyme disease for veterinary applications"

In present time, Lyme disease can be treated by rapid application of antibiotics in an early stage. However, a great number of patients is not cured in time and many have life-long health consequences.

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