
Ročenka AV ČR 2014

Academic bulletin / Živa

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Medals of the Czech Academy of Sciences awarded in 2006

The Academy Council of the CAS in 2006 awarded the following medals:
The Honorary Medal „De scientia et humanitate optime meritis“
  • Prof. Ing. Otto Exner, Dr. techn., DrSc., Dr.h.c., research scientist of the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry CAS
  • Prof. RNDr. Miroslav Fiedler, DrSc., research scientist of the Institute of Mathematics CAS
  • Prof. Dr. Theodor Wolfgang Hänsch, of the Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Garching, Germany
The Bernard Bolzano Honorary Medal for Merit in the Mathematical Sciences
  • Prof. Imre Csiszár, DrSc., of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
  • Prof. Ivan Kiguradze of the A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute Tbilisi, Georgia
  • Prof. Flemming Tops, PhD., of the University of Copenhagen, Denmark
The Ernst Mach Honorary Medal for Merit in the Physical Sciences
  • Prof. Peter Heinz Dederichs of the Institut für Festkörperforschung, Jülich, Germany
  • Dr. Gérard Jamelot of the Université Paris-Sud, Franc
  • Prof. Anatoly Nikitin, DrSc., Institute of Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
The Gregor Johann Mendel Honorary Medal for Merit in the Biological Sciences
  • Prof. Dr. David L. Denlinger of the Ohio State University, USA
  • Prof. Susan M. Gasser of the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Basel, Switzerland
  • Doc. Ing. Antonín Stratil, DrSc., research scientist of the Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics CAS
The Jan Evangelista Purkyně Honorary Medal for Merit in the Biomedical Sciences
  • Prof. MUDr. Helena Tlaskalová-Hogenová, DrSc., research scientist of the Institute of Microbiology CAS
The Josef Dobrovský Honorary Medal for Merit in the Philological and Philosophical Sciences
  • PhDr. Vladimír Vavřínek, CSc., Institute for Slavonic Studies CAS
The František Palacký Honorary Medal for Merit in the Historical Sciences
  • Prof. Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann, PhD., of the Princeton University, USA
  • Prof. Dr. Christian Lequesne, Director of CEFRES (French Institute for Research in Social Sciences), Prague
  • Valentina Vladimirovna Marjina, DrSc., of the Institute of Slavonic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
  • Prof. Frank I. Michelman of Harvard University, USA
The Jan Patočka Memorial Medal
  • Dr. phil. Heinrich Pfeiffer, Dr.h.c.mult., Prof.h.c.mult., of the Alexander v. Humboldt Stiftung, Germany