For students

A student excursion prepared for secondary school students who are considering studying science fields at university took place at out institute on 21st May, 2014. The students visited several laboratories and had the opportunity to try out different devices and experiments.
When two merge into one, it always brings more options. This can also be applied in the field of modern technology. What happens when we combine a laser and an optical fiber? We get a fiber laser - a source of a very intense and quality radiation beam, which has many applications.
Our student intern won 1st place in the Technology section at the III. Open Science student scientific conference called I am a young scientist! with his poster on Porous III-V semiconductors .
Europhysics News published an extract from our article called "Graphite/CdMnTe Schottky diodes and their electrical characteristic" in the Highlights from European Journals part of the magazine.
Ondřej Kučera, a postdoctoral researcher of our Bioelectrodynamics team, was awarded the Werner von Siemens Award for the best doctoral dissertation in 2013
Alexander Kuna spoke about the second - the intangible, nevertheless one of the fundamental physical variables. Time itself is hard to describe, but it can be measured perfectly.


21. mezinárodní veletrh elektrotechniky a elektroniky se sekcí optické a fotonické techniky

Více informací o veletrhu zde.


No one doubts that the invention of lasers has not only changed the world of technology but also the lives of the general public. The first laser beamed in California in 1960 and then in spring of 1963 in the Czech Republic. November 30, 2013 will mark the 50th anniversary of the launch of the first laser university course which focused on teaching laser physics.
Listen to the recording about research and the use of fiber lasers - with Pavel Peterka, Ph.D., a scientist at the Institute of Photonics and Electronics
07.11.2013 to 08.11.2013

7. a 8. listopadu se již tradičně v našem Ústavu fotoniky a elektroniky konají v rámci Týdne vědy a techniky Dny otevřených dveří. Návštěvníci u nás uvidí nejnovější vědecké postupy i jejich využití v praxi.


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