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19 May 09 - 1 Mar 25
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Ing. Jan Hrubý, CSc.

Phone +420 266 053 762 E-mail hruby@it.cas.cz Room M2504 Department Department D 2 - Thermodynamics Position Head of Department Research area Experimental and theoretical research in thermodynamics, metastable states, nucleation, Cahn-Hilliard theory of phase interfaces, equations of state, two-phase flow
Curriculum vitae
1993 Ph.D. degree (in Czech nomenclature CSc.) Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Thermomechanics, Thermodynamics and Fluid Dynamics
1988 MSc. degree (in Czech nomenclature Ing.) Czech Technical University in Prague, Mechanical Engineering
2006 head of the National Committee of the IAPWS (International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam)
2005 head of the Department of Thermodynamics of the Institute of Thermomechanics
1998–2004 deputy head of the Department of Thermodynamics of the Institute of Thermomechanics
1997 head of the Laboratory of Kinetics of Phase Transitions of the Institute of Thermomechanics
1995 researcher at the Institute of Thermomechanics, Department of Thermodynamics
Stays abroad
1999–2000 Technical University Eindhoven, Dept. of Applied Physics, Eindhoven, The Netherlands: Theoretical and experimental investigation of multi-component nucleation at high pressures, application to natural gas processing (14 months).
1998 University of Cologne, Institute for Physical Chemistry: Experimental determination of binary nucleation rates (2 months).
1994–1995 Max-Planck-Institut für Biophysikalische Chemie, Abt. Kinetik der Keimbildung (Dept. Kinetics of Nucleation), Göttingen, Germany: Experimental determination of nucleation rates using an expansion chamber (18 months).
1993 Max-Planck-Institut für Strömungsforschung, Göttingen, Germany: Optical methods in fluid dynamics (2 months).

Scientific community membership
  • Czech Aerosol Society
  • International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam, WG Thermophysical Properties
View author's publications in the ASCR database
Selected publications
Selected journal papers
  1. Pátek J., Hrubý J., Klomfar J., Součková M., Harvey A.H.: Reference Correlations for Thermophysical Properties of Liquid Water at 0.1 MPa. Journal of Chemical and Physical Reference Data 38, 21-29 (2009).
  2. Feistel R., Wright D.G., Miyagawa K., Hrubý J., Jackett D.R., McDougall T.J., Wagner W.: Development of Thermodynamic Potentials for Fluid Water, Ice and Seawater: A New Standard for Oceanography. Ocean Sci. 4, 275–291 (2008).
  3. Maršík F., Němec T, Hrubý J., Demo P., Kožíšek Z., Petr V., Kolovratník M.: Binary Homogeneous Nucleation in Selected Aqueous Vapor Mixtures. J. Solution Chem. 37, 1671–1708 (2008).
  4. Hrubý J., Labetski D. G., Van Dongen M. E. H.: Gradient theory computation of the radius-dependent surface tension and nucleation rate for n-nonane clusters. J. Chem. Phys. 127, 164720-1 – 164720-14 (2007).
  5. Peeters P., Pieterse G., Hrubý J., Van Dongen M. E. H.: Multi-component droplet growth I: Experiments with supersaturated n-nonane vapor and water vapor in methane. Phys. Fluids. 16, 2567-2574 (2004).
  6. Delale C.F, Hrubý J, Maršík F Homogeneous bubble nucleation in liquids: The classical theory revisited. J. Chem. Phys. 118, 792-806 (2003).
  7. Peeters P.,Hrubý J., Van Dongen M. E. H.: High pressure nucleation experiments in binary and ternary mixtures. J. Phys. Chem. B 105, 11763-11771 (2001).
Recent conference contributions
  1. Hrubý J., Kolovratník M., Ždímal V., Jiříček I., Bartoš O., Moravec P.: Determination of the heterogeneous nuclei in the superheated steam using a new sampling technique. In: Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics. Athens, 2007, pp. 861-866.
  2. Krejčí P., Hrubý J., Ždímal V., Trávníček Z.: Laminar co-flow tube for homogenous binary nucleation study. Report Series in Aerosol Science 83, , Helsinki: FAAR, 2006, pp. 161-164.
  3. Richtr K., Hrubý J., Mareš R.: Surface Tension of Supercooled Water: On The Way. In: Report Series in Aerosol Science 83, Helsinki: FAAR, 2006, pp. 308-311.
  4. Hrubý J., Holten V.: A two-structure model of thermodynamic properties and surface tension of supercooled water. In: Water, Steam, and Aqueous Solutions for Electric Power. Advances in Science and Technology. Kyoto: Maruzen Co., 2005.
  5. Kodymová J., Hrubý J., Špalek O., Jirásek V., Čenský M., Zagidullin M. V., Nikolaev V.D., Svistun M.I., Khvatov N.A.. Hager G. D.: Advanced concepts of singlet oxygen generator for a chemical oxygen-iodine laser. In: Proceedings of the AIAA Plasmadynamics and Laser Conference 36. Toronto: AIAA, 2005. pp. 1-11.
  6. Hrubý J.: How Stationary Is the Stationary Cluster? In: Nucleation and atmospheric aerosols 2004. Kyoto : Kyoto University Press, 2004, s. 268-272.
2016-2017 INGO II LG15040Zastoupení českých vědců v řídících orgánech Mezinárodní asociace pro vlastnosti vody a vodní páry (IAPWS) v letech 2016-2017
2016-2018 16-02647SProperties of water and seawater in metastable states. Experiment, molecular simulation and thermodynamic modeling.
2014-2016 TA04011656Vývoj rychloběžné planetové převodovky s pružným uložením satelitů pro extrémní obvodové rychlosti
2014-2017 7F14466Phase behaviour in CCS systems
2013-2015 IAPWS - LG - INGZastoupení českých vědců v řídících orgánech Mezinárodní asociace pro vlastnosti vody a vodní páry (IAPWS).
2011-2015 GAP101/11/1593Investigationof non-equilibrium steam condensation: A new approach
2009-2012 GA101/09/1633Heterogeneous particles in superheated steam: New experimental methods
2009-2013 IAA200760905Thermophysical properties of water in unexplored, technologically significant regions
2009-2012 LA09011Mezinárodní spolupráce ve výzkumu vlastností vody a vodných směsí v rámci IAPWS
2005-2007 GA101/05/2214Metastable water and steam
2005-2007 GA101/05/2524Application of new methods of aerosol measurement for investigation of the structure of the condensation nuclei in steam turbine
2003-2003 GA101/03/Z031Investigation of formation of the secondary atmospheric aerosol as a couse of climate changes
2002-2006 IAA2076203Development of experimental methods for measurement of nucleation rates in mixtures present in clean and polluted atmospheres
2000-2002 GA101/00/1282Vznik atmosférického aerosolu z plynných spalin fosilních paliv: nukleace kapiček v systému kyselina sírová-voda
  • Ph.D. and M.Sc. supervisor at the Czech Technical University in Prague, Technical University in Liberec, University of West Bohemia in Plzeň
  • external lecturer of courses „Technical Thermodynamics“, „Thermophysical Properties of Fluids“ at TU Liberec

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