official magazine of CAS


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English books prepared for publication by Academy bulletin


Akademie věd České republiky / The Czech Academy of Sciences 2014 a 2015

The Czech Academy of Sciences has issued a report accounting selected research results achieved by its scientific institutes in all research areas in 2014 and in early 2015.
Full version you can find here.


The new english expanded edition 




Stopy AB v jiných titulech

Stopa AB v dalších médiích a knižních titulech

EUSJA General Assembly

eusja.jpg EUSJA General Assembly
& EUSJA Study Trip

Prague, Czech Republic
March 14–17, 2013


Interview with Director of the Research Executive Agency Graham Stroud

5 Jun 2009

The Research Executive Agency (REA) is being set up in Brussels in order to manage a large part of the Seventh Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration Activities (FP7).

The conference Research Connection 2009

15 May 2009

Organized by the European Commission with the support of the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports between 6-8 May in Prague and under the auspices of the EU Czech Presidency, Research Connection 2009 was one of the hottest tickets of the research year.

The conference FET09 Science beyond Fiction

12 May 2009

The European Future Technologies Conference and Exhibition is a new European forum dedicated to frontier research in future and emerging information technologies. Leading scientists, policy-makers, industry representatives and science journalists were over 3 days discussing today's frontier science, tomorrow's technologies and the impact of both on tomorrow's society.

Interview with Ales Fiala from FET

26 Mar 2009

The European Future Emerging Technologies (FET 09) conference with the subtitle Science beyond Fiction is being organized by the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Czech Technical University in Prague and by the Future and emerging technologies research scheme of the European Commission, in Prague, Czech Republic, April 21–23, 2009. By this occasion we bring the interview with the Aleš Fiala from F.2: Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) – Open.

FEBS/EMBO Women in Science Award for 2009

17 Feb 2009

The European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) announced the election of Anne Houdusse from Institut Curie, Paris, as the winner of the 2009 FEBS/EMBO Women in Science Award. The award recognizes the exceptional achievements of a female scientist in life sciences research over the previous five years.

Czech scientists announce discovery in battle against ticks

4 Feb 2009

Scientists in the Czech city of České Budějovice have discovered a protein that may reduce the appetite of ticks for human blood. Ticks have become an increasing problem in the summer months, and can carry Lyme’s disease as well as encephalitis, both of which can prove very dangerous to human health.

Interview with Janez Potocznik

11 Nov 2008

We asked Janez Potocznik, European Commissioner for Science and Research, about the Czech leadership in the EU, which is starting at the beginning of next year.