Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

Department of Magnetic Nanosystems


Linka: 2325
Email: vejpravoatfzu [dot] cz
Místo: S
Místnost: 28


Linka: 2416
Email: pohoralaatfzu [dot] cz
Místo: S
Místnost: 28


The department of Magnetic NanoSystems has been established in 2013 as an up-to-date successor of the Department of Magnetism and Low Temperatures. The main research topics are Magnetic nanoparticles for multimodal cancer treatment, Graphene-based nanostructures with controlled topography and synergy of enhanced Raman processes, Giant anisotropy f-electron magnets, and Fundamentals of turbulence in liquid helium. The members of the department have strong link to the Charles University in Prague through active participation in two joint research centers: Joint Laboratory of Low Temperatures and Joint Laboratory for Magnetic Studies. The department is also involved in operation of helium liquefier and management of cryogenics. The research facilities provide unique combination of extreme environments (temperatures from mK to 1000 K, magnetic fields up to 14 T and hydrostatic pressures up to 12 GPa) for studies of transport, magnetic, caloric and elastic properties of solids by variety of methods. Temperature and magnetic field induced changes of symmetry, magnetic and electronic structure, and topography are investigated using local probes: Mössbauer spectroscopy, magneto-Raman spectro-microscopy, and scanning probe microscopies.


  • Check our recent review on magnetic impurities in carbon nanotubes and graphene
  • January 2016: Tim Verhagen received two-year scholarship of the Czech Academy of Sciences for excellent postdocs.
  • December 2015: system for scanning probe microscopies (attocube) in low temperatures and high magnetic fields is available in Joint Laboratory for Magnetic Studies.
  • June 2015: Evgeniya Tereshina, Ph.D. was awarded by Prémie Otto Wichterle 2015 for results of major significance (more here).
  • June 2014: doc. RNDr. Jana Vejpravová, Ph.D. was awarded by Prémie Otto Wichterle 2014 for results of major significance (more here).
  • January 2014: confocal Raman spectro-microscope (attocube) for measurements in low temperatures and high magnetic fields is available in Joint Laboratory for Magnetic Studies.
  • October 2013: Ing. Denis Gorbunov was awarded by UniCredit Bank scholarship for excellent doctoral students (more here).
  • September 2013: RNDr. Simona Kubíčková was awarded by Best poster award in ICAME 2013 for contribution In-field dependence of the spin canting angle in maghemite nanoparticles

Selected Papers


Department head: doc. RNDr. Jana Vejpravová, Ph.D.
e-mail: vejpravoatfzu [dot] cz
telephone: +420 266 052 325

Deputy head of department: Ing. Josef Šebek, Ph.D.
e-mail: sebekatfzu [dot] cz
telephone:: +420 221 912 772

Secretary: Romana Pohořalá
e-mail: pohoralaatfzu [dot] cz
telephone:: +420 266 052 416

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