Saturday, 9 04 2016

Last update08.04 10:32

* Dimensions of antipartyism in the Czech population


Czech political parties have existed for more than one decade. Their position in the political system seems to be stable and is seldom put to doubt. When this occurs after all, a solution only seemingly dissimilar to political parties is offered. This was the case, for example, with the “Thank You, Leave” (Děkujeme, odejděte) civil initiative. Its representatives were thinking of transforming...

Czech political parties have existed for more than one decade. Their position in the political system seems to be stable and is seldom put to doubt. When this occurs after all, a solution only seemingly dissimilar to political parties is offered. This was the case, for example, with the “Thank You, Leave” (Děkujeme, odejděte) civil initiative. Its representatives were thinking of transforming it into a political party after the initiative succeeded with the public. A similar solution is being gradually applied to the Association of Independent Candidates (Sdružení nezávislých kandidátů). Although it puts up a non-party face and may be an alternative for citizens dissatisfied with political parties, it is a registered political party.

The role of political parties seems to be unquestioned in Czech society. However, parties as such as well as individual parties face permanent criticism. Both the low willingness to participate in party activities, and the level of membership in the parties (approximately every fiftieth citizen is a member of a political party) imply certain distance of the public from parties. In my text, I will therefore attempt to present some answers to the issues of current level of critical attitudes towards political parties in Czech society. Further, I will explain the content of such attitudes.

At the most general level, antipartyism may be defined as an attitude critical to political parties and rejecting their role in the political system. The nature of antipartyism as an attitude makes variability of its contents and dependence on specific context apparent. Rejecting the role of political parties may, therefore, vary. Also, issues arise as to what still is and what no longer is antipartyism and also what dimensions may antipartyism acquire.


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