Saturday, 9 04 2016

Last update08.04 10:32

Opinion of the Public on Certain Issues of the Education System

The standard of education is valued as best at grammar schools (70 % positively, 8 % negatively) and universities (63 % positively, 8 % negatively). Two thirds of respondents also consider elementary schools as having a good standard (66 % positive, 22 % negative opinions) and a slightly smaller number thinks this about secondary schools completed by a school-leaving examination (62 % positive, 18 % negative opinions). As the worst, the respondents see education at secondary training institutions, only a little more than two fifths consider it to be good (44 %) and almost one third think it is bad (31%). Compared with last year, the opinion concerning secondary training institutions and elementary schools worsened; on the other hand other types of schools were appraised better than in the last year. The contribution of their school education was predominantly valued by respondents as favourable. It provided them mainly with general knowledge and necessary qualification; two thirds were helped in creating a sense of their own responsibility and forming independent opinions. According to 51 %, the school contributed to better coping with human relations (according to 46 % it did not), but only minimally taught about understanding politics (17 %). Forty percent agree with the plan of cutting the numbers of teachers and increasing the salaries of those remaining, while 47 % did not agree. Introduction of school fees at universities would be supported by 33 %, with 58 % against.


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