Uhde, Zuzana. 2009. „Antagonismus neoliberalismu a sociální spravedlnosti.“ Gender, rovné příležitosti, výzkum. 10 (1): 50-53. ISSN 1213-0028.
The article is a review of the book Social Critique in the Era of Globalization by Marek Hrubec and the collective of authors. The authors deal not only with the critical analysis of the contemporary global order and the situation of huge number of global poor and exploited but they also suggest possible institutional arrangements to solve social conflicts and profound economic injustice. In the Czech context it is important that the book brings feminist authors into the field of critical globalization studies where the feminist viewpoint is often neglected. Given the fact that women comprise majority of global poor the book also provide a thought provoking insight into the dynamic of gender inequalities in the transnational context.