
Changes in the Perception of the Role of Government After the Crisis. The Czech Republic in Comparative Perspective

Project duration: 
2016 - 2018

The project offers a comparative perspective of changes in perception of the role of the state and form of responsible governance in the Czech Republic after the financial and economic crisis, which in addition to changing redistributive expectations has increased distrust of government legitimacy. The theoretical basis of the project is the relationship between political legitimacy and distributive systems and their compliance, confidence in the state and its institutions versus the market and its institutions, and the growing influence of multilevel governance on the perception of the role of the state. The topic is scientifically and socially relevant - the Czech Republic is struggling with a decrease in the legitimacy of the distributive system along with a significant weakening of trust. Based on the International Survey ISSP "Role of Government", this project will analyse the current situation in the Czech Republic across time and international comparisons and its evaluation within existing theoretical models of democratic governance.

civil society
politics (and political attitudes)
Grant agency: 
Czech Science Foundation (GACR)